
YouTube Dubbing - Eliminate language barriers for watching videos


YouTube Chinese Dubbing: A browser plugin that translates foreign subtitles and reads them aloud, freeing your eyes and enhancing your viewing experience. No more staring at subtitles! Try it now and enjoy videos effortlessly.

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Hey Product Hunt Community! 🙌 I'm thrilled to share with you an exciting announcement—I've developed a browser extension called "YouTube Dubbing" that's set to revolutionize your video watching experience! 🚀 As a language enthusiast and tech lover, I understand the challenges that language barriers can pose when watching foreign language videos. That's why I created this tool, with the hope of helping global audiences break through these barriers and easily enjoy the amazing content on YouTube. 🌍 With YouTube Dubbing, you no longer need to strain your eyes reading subtitles! This extension instantly converts video content into a language you're comfortable with, accompanied by rich and natural voiceovers. You can choose from a variety of voices that best suit your style. Even better, this feature works seamlessly on mobile devices too! 📱 YouTube Dubbing isn't limited to just YouTube—it's also compatible with other learning platforms like Udemy.com. Whether you're enjoying entertainment videos or absorbing knowledge, our tool provides a seamless viewing experience. Let AI technology lend you a helping hand, open the door to the world, and embrace a freer, more joyful exploration! We invite you to try YouTube Dubbing and look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions. Together, let's usher in a new era of video! 🎉
Dimitrie Baitanciuc
This one is actually helpful, congrats!
@dimitrie_baitanciuc Thank you very much for your recognition
profession bruce
This YouTube Chinese Dubbing plugin is an absolute game-changer! It effortlessly translates foreign subtitles and reads them aloud, giving your eyes a much-needed break and elevating your viewing pleasure to a whole new level. Say goodbye to straining to read subtitles and hello to effortless enjoyment.
@profession_bruce Thank you very much for your comment, it is very important to us. We will continuously optimize ourselves to help more people truly understand non-native language videos and break the barriers of language!
YouTube Dubbing非常好用,适合英文不太好又想通过YouTube学习最新技术的朋友,强烈推荐!!!
@joeljhou 感谢您的支持
Great!This plugin supports YouTube & Udemy. It is very convenient for me to watch some tutorials.
@coderdd Thank you very much for your recognition
💪🏻 This browser extension is awesome! 👌🏻 I was thrilled with its functionality and ease of use. 🙏🏻 Thanks to this extension, I am no longer restricted by the language barrier when watching videos on YouTube. 😎 Now I don't have to worry about what language the video is uploaded in - the extension automatically translates it into the language I'm comfortable with. 🗣️ What else surprised me was the ability to select dialects and voices. This makes the process of watching videos even more fun and efficient. 🎓 This is truly a revolutionary tool for those who want to learn, seek new knowledge and enjoy content on YouTube. 👍🏻 I am very happy with this extension and highly recommend it to everyone!
@lideheng thank you ~
我使用这款插件已经有6个月的时间,先说总结;这是一款非常棒的字幕配音插件,极大的提升了视频观看效率,虽然它还有一些不那么完美,例如语音包较少等等,但是它真的是一款非常棒的插件,怎么和你形容呢,这感觉就像哥伦布发现了新大陆,不再受语言的困扰,如同赐予你一把钥匙,而youtube就是知识的大门,相信我,朋友们 多推广推广这款伟大的插件吧,不要吝啬自己的赞美,也不要害怕让这款宝贝插件被大众使用,只有火了才能让作者有信心开发下去,目前这款插件是可以免费使用的,也希望大家多推广推广,酒香也怕巷子深 I have been using this plugin for 6 months now, so let me summarize. This is a very good subtitle dubbing plug-in, greatly improve the efficiency of video viewing, although it has some not so perfect, such as less voice packages and so on, but it is really a very good plug-in, how to describe it with you, it feels like Columbus found the new continent, no longer troubled by language, as if giving you a key, youtube is the door to knowledge, believe me, friends to promote the promotion of this great plug-in, do not be stingy with their praise, do not be afraid to let this baby plug-in be used by the public, only the fire can let the author have confidence in the development of the current plug-in is free to use, but also hope that everyone is afraid of the alley is deep 私はこのプラグインを使用して6ヶ月の時間があります。これは非常に素晴らしいプラグイン、ビデオの視聴効率を大幅に向上させるが、それはまだいくつか完璧ではないが、例えば、音声のパケットは少ないですが、それは本当に素晴らしいプラグイン、どのようにあなたは、これはコロンブスのような新しい世界を発見し、もはや言語に悩まされて、あなたにキーを与えるように感じて、youtubeは知識の大門、私を信じて、友達はこの偉大なプラグインを広めましょう、自分の賛美をケチらないでください、この宝物プラグインが大衆に使用されることを恐れないでください、火がやっと作者に自信を持って開発していくことができます。 저는이 플러그인을 이미 6개월간 사용하였습니다. 먼저 총결하겠습니다.이것은 정말 자막 더빙 플러그인, 커다 란 비디오 시청 효 률이 높아 졌고, 그것들도 그렇게 완벽 하지 않지만, 례를들면 발음 가방이적은 등, 그러나 그것은 정말 대단 한 항 한 플러그인, 어떻게 당신과 인가를 형용하는 것은,이 느낌은 마치 콜 롬 부스 가 신대륙을 발견 했고 언어에 시달리지 않 듯이 하사 너 열쇠,유 튜브는 지식의 대문,나만 믿고, 친구들이 많이 보급 보급이 위대 한 플러그인 항 어라, 자기 칭찬을 아끼지 말라,이 아이에게 플러그인도 두려워하지 말고 대중들에게 사용 불었야만 개발 저자 자신 있게 내 버 려 둔 현재이 항의 플러그인을 무료로 이용 할 수 있는 것도 여러분들이 많이 보급 보급, 냄새도 두 려 워 골목 깊이
@ww_tt 感谢如此用心的评论。。
William Scott
Congratulations on the launch! This is such a fantastic innovation that truly enhances the way we watch videos. Great job !!
person guan
@person_guan Thank you very much for your recognition
I am greatly impressed by this concept. It's very promising
@annis8454618151 Thank you very much for your recognition
cc mm
老用户了,这是一款非常棒的字幕配音插件,极力推荐大家用起来 推广起来