Robleh Jama

360° Guide to Remote - How to transfer a company to remote in a short time


As a remote-first company, we share practical tips on what helped us grow the last 6 years covering:
- WFH organization
- remote work culture
- team meetings
- inspirational stories shared with us by Product Hunt, Zapier, GitLab.
Benefit from our experience!

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Kate Pykhtina
Great job!
Svitlana Pelymska
@kate_pykhtina Thanks, Kate! We are happy if you find our guide useful. ^_^
Halyna Divakova
Hey Product Hunt! As a remote-first company, YouTeam could not stay away from sharing our experiences of remote work. We tried to cover all the aspects of WFH knowing that some companies have to shift to the unknown (and often thought of as un-productive and scary work setup) for the first time. But the gem is our collection of interviews with world's top remote-only companies like GitLab, Zapier or even Product Hunt itself! We've started doing them more than a year ago, and YouTeam's co-founder Yura plans to publish them all in a book. You'll have to scroll down to find the links, or just use the navigation on the top. Thanks for checking out our guide! And remember to #stayhome.
Thank you! Nice job! Have a great PH day!!!
Svitlana Pelymska
@proofy_io Thanks! =)
Taras Nalieskin
We need more guides like this! Great job!