Your Turn
What to do When It's Your Turn, new book by Seth Godin
Erik Torenberg
Seth Godin's "It's Your Turn" — We don't need to wait to be picked or approved
Shaan Puri
@thisissethsblog Hey Seth :) If you were creating a university from scratch - what are 3 things you would do differently than the traditional universities we have today? -shaan
Seth Godin
@shaanvp Why don't we build all universities from scratch? They're expensive enough and time-consuming enough and important enough that we deserve it. The legacy stuff that's just too hard to change ought to be changed, right? Here's my take on what needs to happen:
Shaan Puri
@thisissethsblog So when I do this (start building new universities from scratch), can I count on you as a guest mentor?
Adam Kazwell
@shaanvp oh man, this question reminds me of one the posts that made me fall in love with Seth...the NoBS program...think I read the original version in FastCompany:
Alex Schiff
Hey @thisissethsblog, we've exchanged an email or two before. Your book "The Dip" was hands-down one of the most impactful books I read while I was at a crossroads with my last company. Mostly, it just really hit home how important it is to think about how you use your time, and to make sure you're investing in the right uses of it. I have a lot of friends that realize they're not making the best use of their time (i.e., took one route or another post-college and realized it wasn't right for them), but aren't sure what they should be doing instead. Do you have any advice for people trying to discover their passion and reinvent themselves when they're not sure where to begin?
Seth Godin
@alexschiff I think the very best step is to take a step. Not to seek passion or the answer, but to step forward. And then again. And again. One day, they'll discover that they're flying.
Alexandre Marcondes
@thisissethsblog I read all your blog posts and am trying to read most of your books (all that I've read are amazingly excellent!). Thanks for sharing a little of your own mind and ideas. Q: If you could lead a product to change the world on some aspect as the second-in-chain on another one’s company (the right arm that helps and supports but no one knows about) or just be a commoner as the first-in-chain of your own company. What would you choose?
Alex Miller
Hi @thisissethsblog. I have too many ideas and no fear of failure. I find I am starting to get older, and have had modest successes in several dozen completely different ventures, but few big wins. Now it is time to focus and hone some craft. How do you suggest one narrow down the field of things to do with one's life?
Andreas Klinger
This is awesome… Thanks so much @eriktorenberg for making this happen - @thisissethsblog thanks so much for taking time. As involved in the tech/product of product hunt i need to use this chance to pick your brain: Q: If you had one bit of advice for product hunt what would it be? Appreciate any product/marketing/tech/community/communication suggestion/rant/idea that you can come up w/ :)
Seth Godin
@andreasklinger And we'll end on this, thanks Andreas. Advice piece 1: don't ask drive by folks like me for advice. Advice piece 2: Earn a genuine permission asset, or build a place where the tribe chooses to connect. Those are the only two things that persist over time online. Thanks for having me. Thanks for all the fish. Always bring a towel.
Andreas Klinger
@thisissethsblog thanks a ton ♥️
Ali R. Tariq
@thisissethsblog: thanks for making this possible, Seth. In this age of rapid change, it seems mastery requires you to hit pause on change to afford yourself some time to dig deep. But once you resurface, the whole landscape has changed. Do you have any advice on how to stay relevant and be a lynchpin in what you do? These seem to be diametrically opposite to each other.
Seth Godin
@alirtariq Hi Ali. I'm not sure digging deep involves shutting of the world. Miles Davis dug deep, but his music moved the world forward, not the other way around. We're taught a reactive mindset at an early age, but a key part of being a linchpin is in committing to be proactive.
Micah Baldwin
@thisissethsblog it has been quite awhile, hope all is well. Question: what gives you more enjoyment: success from things other people enabled in you; or things you have enabled in others?
Seth Godin
@micah This is priceless. Love this question. Without a doubt, teaching others. But, when you find something, when you're taught something, and it lasts for years and creates joy, how cool is that?
Erik Torenberg
My pleasure to introduce Seth Godin for a live AMA today at 11 am PST (ask questions in advance...!) Seth Godin is the author of 18 bestsellers, a popular blogger and founder of the altMBA. Check out his new book, It's your Turn! To see more Seth, check him out on the Product Hunt podcast: Buy the book here!
Josh Birdwell
Hello @eriktorenberg & @thisissethsblog, I just purchased the book because of this post on PH. I already know who I will be sharing my extra copy with and once I am done with my copy I have another person in mind as well! Questions: "What changes in yourself came about from writing this book?" | Main Question "What technology do you use when writing and planning a book?", "What resources (web site, podcast, your community, etc) do you go to most often to learn?"
Seth Godin
@_birdwell @eriktorenberg Thanks Josh. "What changes in yourself came about from writing this book?" I cried more than usual. I noticed things I hadn't been noticing. And I slowed down dramatically--in the way I sit with ideas for a bit longer. It doesn't always have to be a round of Jeopardy. "What technology do you use when writing and planning a book?", "What resources (web site, podcast, your community, etc) do you go to most often to learn?" I don't write like most people. In this case, I used InDesign and designed the book myself as I was writing it. It was cool. Not sure I can do it every time, but it stretched me. I learn from hundreds of blogs, dozens of podcasts and a few books a week. I'm not picky. No reason to be.
Erik Torenberg
A HUGE Product Hunt thank you to Seth for doing such a great AMA w/ us!
Erik Torenberg
Seth: What do you want people to say at your funeral? (also just bought the book!)
Seth Godin
@eriktorenberg Well, the easy answer is: "That was sudden, but he lived a really long, happy life." The more relevant answer is: My teacher learned a lot from him.
Waqas Ali
Hi Seth, your work is been transforming our life since 2009. Thank you for everything! Q: What are some common mistakes 'good artists' make while trying to build a community?
Andrew Torba
Hello Seth, I'd love to learn more about your writing process- where is the best place to write in your opinion? (At home, in a coffee shop, etc.) Does the environment change as you progress through the writing process or do you typically stick to some routine?
Seth Godin
@torbahax Hi Andrew. I answer this on page 38 of the book. The short answer is the question, "What kind of pencil do you use?"
Josh Birdwell
Thanks for answering above!
Jeff Needles
@thisissethsblog why only bundle the books?
Seth Godin
@jsneedles The cost of printing a book is pretty low. Low enough that I can happily send 5 books to someone who buys for three. And those extra two books get shared. Because even though most people don't like buying books, just about everyone loves to share them (and hates to throw them out). If the goal of writing is to make change, then, it seems like helping people spread that change is part of it. Imagine what would happen if blog posts and tweets weren't supposed to be shared?
Maks Surguy
Thank you @thisissethsblog! I have been inspired by your books, talks and the blog to take action and not to be afraid of change. In fact I wrote a couple of books of my own and have created a mini empire with my own tribe, largely inspired by things you say. If I ever meet you in person (I'm in Seattle, Columbia Tower for time being), I owe you a drink or two!
Maks Surguy
@msurguy If I could ask @thisissethsblog a question, it would be: "Who was your mentor?"
Seth Godin
@msurguy Hi Maks. I've written a bit about this: I've been lucky enough to know, and sometimes publish my heroes, but I think lots of people can make strides from afar..
Adam Evers
Hey @thisissethsblog - I've been curious for a while now ... I built "" back in the day for the internship you posted. Did you ever see it?
Seth Godin
@adamevers If you sent me a link, then yes, I did. I'm sorry, Adam, for not getting back to you personally. The asymmetry of the web makes me feel like a jerk all the time.
Adam Evers
@thisissethsblog thanks Seth. I really appreciate your dedication to being personal. I means a great deal. And you're not a jerk.
Eric Willis
@thisissethsblog How long does it typically take you to research/write a book?
Avi Zuber
@thisissethsblog long time fan. Are there any books of yours that you would re-write if given the chance, given the rapid pace of change in business and technology over the years?
Seth Godin
@avizuber Hi Avi. My publisher would be delighted to have me rewrite all of them, but I don't, because they are of a place and time, and reading them later is their own experience, one that people tell me is still effective even though if you read them now, they're no longer 'brand new ideas that everyone thinks are ridiculous'. I have every copy of Wired ever published in my office, and I'm regularly amazed at how little of their foresight I actually took action on, and how useful they are to this day in helping draw lines about what's likely to happen soon.
Marek Lach
Also, do you think that in what matters in writing more is the presentation (layout, grammar and universal appeal), or the depth of the message (I know it's both, but please pick one). Thank you for the privilege of asking the legend :).
Seth Godin
@mareklachauthor Marek, two for two: If you go to a job interview at the Vatican wearing cut off jeans, it's unlikely you will be heard or appreciated. Our message wears a costume. It will always be better received if it's dressed appropriately.
Ryan Hoover
@thisissethsblog if you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring one book with you, what would it be?
Seth Godin
@rrhoover The ebook from the Diamond Age. That's the perfect trick answer to a good trick question.
Seth Godin
@dturneresq @rrhoover I need to clarify: It's a book ABOUT an ebook. I wouldn't bring his book, I'd bring the book IN the book.