Yes or No
Choice based game.
James Reilly

Yes or No — The unpopular opinion app

Yes or No is the game where unpopular opinions may prove to be actually quite popular. Discover hundreds opinions/questions, choose "Yes" or "No" to agree/disagree and then see how the rest of the world voted.
James Reilly
Yes or No started off as a basic poll game to find out people's opinions on every day things/behaviours/opinions. As development of the app progressed, I found that the best questions posted were actually really controversial opinions. Some of the results were quite surprising. I hope for the community to continue in that vein. Whether it does or not depends on the audience and what they find most interesting. I'm happy to evolve with the content created. Hope you enjoy!
Ashok Raju
Would love to try this once it's on Android!
James Reilly
@ashok_raju Thanks Ashok, hopefully in a few weeks :)
Lê Nhật Nam
yes yes yes
James Reilly
@le_nh_t_nam Thank you :)
James Reilly
@birjoveanu haha thank you