Teo Grigaliunas

Yes Crow 2.0 - An Ethereum escrow agent


Want to buy/sell to online strangers, but don't know if you can trust them? Look no further! Connect with your wallet, deposit crypto and release it to the designated receiver when they deliver. Free, decentralized, streamlined. Goodbye legacy escrow services.

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Teo Grigaliunas
Once upon a time on an internet forum far away, I was contacted by a person who wanted to buy a program we had written with @karooolis. The person wanted to pay us, but only after I transferred him all of the code. I wanted him to pay up-front, but none of us budged. This tug-of-war lasted a whole week until I took the leap of faith and sent him the code first. A few days later the person sent over the crypto. Phew. He could've as well had not done it - the buyer was an anonymous stranger from the cold depths of the Internet. There was no way I could have gotten the money, had he been dishonest. Thus Yes Crow was born - a tool to conduct crypto payments with online strangers. Hopefully this becomes the new standard for crypto transfers where one of the parties is selling anything for crypto: services, code, domains, websites, accounts.
Navin Peiris
Awesome! Great idea to not have fees unless arbitration is required, escrow fees currently are pretty ridiculous. Love that the contract is public too. Will definitely be a client when I need to use an escrow next time. Best of luck with the launch!
Teo Grigaliunas
@navinpeiris I agree wholeheartedly!
Teo Grigaliunas
@navinpeiris Thanks for the kind words, in case you ever need us - escrow@yescrow.io
Cameron Adams
Nice product on blockchain!!! Congrats.
Mitchell Edwards
Upvoting if for no other reason than for the brilliant name
Teo Grigaliunas
@valhalla_dev Hahaha this made my day!
Julian Renard
It's a really smart solution!
Andreas Murk
Wow this seems awesome! I'll give it a try! Keep up the good work