Yenny is a Japanese Yen (JPY) converter that can convert Japanese Yen to the US Dollar (USD), Euros (EUR), Great British Pound (GPB), and any other currency.
No ads. No frills. Just converting made simple and fast.
Even though currency converters exist, a lot of them have ads on them now. Apple's iOS18 calculator also has it built in, but it's a bit sluggish. I decided to abandon them both after reading Kayla's tweet. I love that she built something for herself even if a similar product existed. And tbh, it's way cleaner and the fact that it's only focused on yen is kinda nice.
@anastasiia_stepko I use Raycast on Mac and this is faster than opening Safari and typing in the conversion and waiting for it to load.
Less steps, cleaner interface, and works offline.
A simple, ad-free Yen converter is definitely useful for travelers and those doing business with Japan.
Maybe adding other popular Asian currencies like the Chinese Yuan or Korean Won is worth it?
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