Kevin William David

Yarnit - Design, write & publish engaging content with AI

Yarnit mirrors a storyteller by providing time-tested creative recommendations. Yarnit's AI can be trained with your own data, to enable content marketers not just to write, but to design and audit content too. All under one app, 10X faster & better

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akash jain
Hello Product Hunters 🙂, I am excited to introduce myself as Akash Jain, co-founder of Yarnit - the personalised content creation web app 🌐 that’s set to change the game💫. As someone who has always been passionate about storytelling and content creation, I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity to embark on this journey with my 🫶🏼 fellow Yarners @jyotirmoy_yarnit @abhinav_kimothi @meghajohn @sourabhyarnit @imvat18 @tariq_ahmad4 @aadithyue_nair. Together, we have put in all our might and expertise to make Yarnit a reality. One of the things that I personally love ❤ about Yarnit is its approach to content creation. We believe that a clear objective is the first step to creating quality content, whether it’s a product update, sharing knowledge, or creating an advertisement. That’s why we have designed Yarnit to help you focus on the objective of your content creation journey, and then use AI to enhance it. Yarnit’s design layer allows you to use AI to generate design automatically, while still giving you the freedom to express your creativity 💡. You can play around with layouts, images, icons, music and if you prefer to do it all by yourself, you can do that too. At Yarnit, we understand that every creator has their unique style‎💡🎉, and we aim to support it. It’s important to note that our objective has never been to replace human creativity with AI. Instead, we believe in using artificial intelligence as a tool to make the creation journey easier, faster, and more enjoyable 💫. Yarnit is your guide, friend, and assistant in creating content. We’re thrilled to have you try Yarnit and experience the magic of AI for yourself. As we’re still in the early stages, we welcome any feedback to help us make Yarnit even better 🙂 Please let us know what you think, and we look forward to hearing from you.
SK Bhardwaj
@jyotirmoy_yarnit @abhinav_kimothi @meghajohn @sourabhyarnit @imvat18 @tariq_ahmad4 @aadithyue_nair @akashjain0204 Congratulations on successful launch, I found it very easy to use product, Auto layout is very unique and helpful. I just wanted to know if I can create content in Hindi as well in your platform?
akash jain
@sourabh_sharma13 Thanks for the feedback, Yes you can create content in Hindi too. However, on the UI we still have English as the only option. We surely can think about bringing regional languages down the line.
akash jain
@harsh_bhardwaj12 Thank you, Harsh.
Prabhuti Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Hello @akashjain0204, So you mean AI assisted text generation is available in other languages as well in Yarnit?
akash jain
@sourabh_prabhuti Yes, it is possible. We would be happy to give you a demo on this.
jyotirmoy dutta
Hello Product Hunt Community, I am Jyotirmoy (JD), co-founder of Yarnit, storyteller at heart, product builder, and a new dad. I have been building Yarnit with the best team in the world and two of my best friends @akashjain0204 and @abhinav_kimothi as co-founders. Our passion for building Yarnit is rooted in our lived experiences ❤️‍🔥 We all have spent more than a decade in business storytelling and content marketing as Consultants & Marketers. We grappled through the challenges of the craft, especially at scale. So the endeavor was to explore how technology and AI could solve this without short-changing creativity. 🚀🌐 When we deep-dived and spoke to several marketers and creators, we realized that the problem stretched far and wide. 8 out of every 10 marketers and creators, said their content marketing efforts were not generating outcomes. Even with multiple marketing tools in the market and the recent deluge of AI tools, their problems remain unsolved. ❓🔀 So, for us, the question seemed redundant but very familiar. But we didn’t choose to guess. We asked them why? 🧐 And here is a 10-word summary of 100 hrs of conversation :) Multiple disconnected tools for copy, design, publishing, Tools solving for output and not outcomes, Getting experts, cost, collaboration 😵‍💫 💡But what came as a resounding need is the “ability to create personalized content and do it consistently” Founded on the needs and desires of content marketers and creators, our goal is to help them create content that speaks to their audience and is aligned with their brand. 🚀Yarnit AI enables teams and companies to write, design, audit, and publish content- all under one app, 10X faster and better. Yarnit brings the best of storytelling craft and AI technology to help you: * 💌Personalise - From Brands to Leaders - Create personalized content for every persona by training our AI engines with your data and brand styles * 🎨Design - From Carousels to Ad creatives - Design engaging creatives with auto-design and expert-curated images, music, icons and templates suited for your story * ✏️Write - From Blogs to Sales Pitches - Write the most compelling copies with creative aids that mimic the actual copywriting process- Plotlines, Intro and Outdo aids, CTA prompts and many more (don’t miss the joker cards!) * ✅Audit - From readability to emotions - Measure and predict the impact of your content on your specific audience sets * 📙Publish- From LinkedIn to Twitter - Publish your content on Yarnit or to social media in one click, along with AI-generated captions and hashtags 📍We have been building Yarnit with our customers for the last 9 months. Our journey has been fascinating but, dare I say easy- from getting funded by friends, to building the most complex content system, to finding a new AI content tool coming up every day, and between all this to see our customers succeed with Yarnit. What keeps us grounded are two simple facts : 1) we can only do better from yesterday 💪🏼 2) In the end, customers will be the only winners 🏆 PH community has been a common element among all product successes in the last decade. We have miles to go before we settle and we wish to take this journey with you. We would love to hear your thoughts, and feedback on Yarnit. If you have any questions, please do share the same 📕⚜️ As a token of our love for this beautiful PH community, we are offering 30% off across all our plans. Please use the coupon code: LAUNCHTEASER30 ⛑️💟Finally, a quick shout-out to my team and their loved ones, our customers, and angel investors for taking the leap and making Yarnit a reality. A special thanks to @kevin for hunting us out 💫 Here is to a new story…Yarnit…
Olga Zem
@akashjain0204 @abhinav_kimothi @kevin @jyotirmoy_yarnit Congratulations on the launch of Yarnit! 🙂 I was moved by your passion for helping marketers and creators produce personalized content aligned with their brand. Yarnit looks impressive. I'm excited to try it out myself. Best of luck on your journey and thanks for offering a discount ;)
Abhinav Kimothi
@madzem Thank a lot Olga! Looking forward to hearing your experience of the product!
Abhinav Kimothi
@ezgiyeginaltay Thanks a lot!
Abhinav Kimothi
Hello Product Hunt Community 😊, I am Abhinav, one of the co-founders of Yarnit. Content creation is a multidimensional exercise. Starting with ideation, to writing copy, finding the appropriate multimedia assets, designing the creatives to finally publishing it to the audience, each step requires significant effort and expertise. With Yarnit, our mission is to provide access to all these skills to content marketers. The advent of generative AI has, in a way, democratized content creation more than ever. However, the risk of generic and noisy content has also grown. Our effort, therefore, has been to generate personalized content for brands that speaks to the target audience. I request you to take note of the features on Yarnit that help us in our mission. 👧 Brand Personality takes inputs about your brand and audience and trains our AI engines to the specific inputs. 🧶 Yarn Generator not only generates content in different styles but also aids you in writing and expanding on your own thoughts. 🎞️ Specials recommendations curates the most suitable multimedia assets for your content, sparing you the effort required in searching for them. 📚 Readability helps you in auditing your content for impact and ease of understanding. It has been a fun and exciting ride so far with Yarnit and your feedback will help us in tailoring the product in the right direction. I hope you have fun on Yarnit. Do share with us what you think can make us better. A huge shout out to fellow Yarners @jyotirmoy_yarnit @akashjain0204 @meghajohn @sourabhyarnit @aadithyue_nair @tariq_ahmad4 @imvat18 . This journey has been incredible. Thanks to all of you.
Abhinav Kimothi
@p_c_kimothi Thanks Papa!
Vatsal Sharma
@presem Thank you Preeti!
Prafulla Rawal
@jyotirmoy_yarnit @akashjain0204 @meghajohn @sourabhyarnit @aadithyue_nair @tariq_ahmad4 @imvat18 @abhinav_kimothi wow this is a game changer! Cannot wait to see this being used everywhere :) congratulations to the team!!
Sourabh Sharma
Hello Product Hunt Community, I am Sourabh, Director Engineering at Yarnit, not so good with the words. Its always been a challenge for me to write something about a topic and even harder for me to find right visual elements for creating engaging content, and that's why I joined hands with Yarnit team to build a platform which can eliminate this creative hurdle for me. With Yarnit its matter of minutes and few clicks to generate awesome posts, and its backed by powerful AI to help users get the related content, without Yarnit one will have to spend hours on the internet to find the right kind of Statistics to give strength to your claims, Quotes to make it engaging, Images and Icons to make it visually appealing, music to give it right ambience. Along with all the above Special content, what makes Yarnit unique is its capability to generate Text based on your topic, brand and multiple other factors like your desired tone of the story. Yarnit is so awesome in terms of ease of use and content relevancy that anyone can create a professional level post. We at Yarnit are committed to add more and more features into the platform to make it even more awesome. Special Thanks to @akashjain0204 @jyotirmoy_yarnit @abhinav_kimothi for their vision to build such a platform and entire Yarnit team to make it happen. Let's come together and make our stories heard! Share your experiences, create meaningful connections and be part of a vibrant online community. Join us today to discover the power of storytelling! #Storytelling #Community
Vatsal Sharma
Hello Product Hunt Community, I'm Vatsal Sharma, part of the Engineering Team of Yarnit. 📐 I believe that Content Creation & Storytelling are the umbrella terms for Ideation, Writing/Creating, Researching, Editing, Uploading, Publishing & Promoting. All the steps make it an overwhelming task & difficult for creators to work seamlessly & speedily. 📚 🧐 By keeping in mind all these kinds of hurdles faced by creators in their content creation journey, we came up with the idea of designing Yarnit! Yarnit reduces time, cost & complexities of the whole content creation process enabling the creators to create content with the speed of thought & being hassle-free. 💡 Being an Engineer, I am always interested in exploring & amalgamating multiple technologies to solve some serious use cases, this has been my motivation for designing Yarnit, our team has amalgamated Artificial Intelligence & Cutting edge tech together to simplify the saga creation & this makes Yarnit - a go to tool for Content Creation. 🚀 I invite you all to be the part of our Community & weave your own tales because "Great Stories happen to those who can tell them." Happy Yarning, Yarners! 🧵
SK Bhardwaj
@imvat18 Congratulations on Product Launch, I used it for a couple of quick stories and results are amazing, Great product
Vatsal Sharma
@sourabh_sharma13 Thanks for your valuable feedback! We're glad that you liked Yarnit
Abhishek Dubey
Really cool product !! Just tried it out and was pleasantly surprised with how accurate the suggestions were for the templates. Loved that it gave me options for different types of templates as well based on what content I want to create. It is really packed with a lot of features !! Is it possible to have Yarnit propose possible slide designs as well when it comes to the final step i.e. arrange the text with suitable images in an aesthetic format?
akash jain
@abhishek_dubey10 Thanks for your feedback, we're glad you liked the app. To your question, yes its possible and we have "AI assisted design" option on the storyline to curate the slides with contextual multimedia. Once designed, you can still customise using the layout options. Soon we will be bringing more styling options.
jyotirmoy dutta
@abhishek_dubey10 Absolutely. Once you are done with generating a suitable copy for your slides, just select "AI-assisted Design". It will auto-design the slides for you. Please give it a shot
Gaurav Gupta
Looks like an amazing product! All the best to the founders and the team for a grand success. @jyotirmoy_yarnit @abhinav_kimothi @akashjain0204
jyotirmoy dutta
@new_user_2233dc5330 - Thanks for your note, Gaurav. Cheers!!
Abhinav Kimothi
@new_user_2233dc5330 Thanks a ton, Gaurav!
akash jain
@new_user_2233dc5330 Thanks for the support!
Vera Rose
Wow, Yarnit sounds like a game-changer for content marketers! I love the idea of having an all-in-one app that not only helps with writing but also designing and auditing content. How does the AI training process work with Yarnit? Looking forward to trying it out! 🚀
Abhinav Kimothi
@vera_ratovska Hey Vira, glad you liked Yarnit. You can personalize generation by adding inputs in the brand personality section. Within brand personality, you can also add sample content through which the AI learns the writing style, vocabulary, tonality etc. For our enterprise edition, we have detailed training options available. Happy to collaborate with you. Please drop us a note at
Vatsal Sharma
@vera_ratovska Thanks for the feedback Vira!
snigdha dubey
I have used Yarnit to create storylines for several compelling content. It makes the whole process so seamless. Writer's block? What writer's block? Great stuff @jyotirmoy_yarnit!
akash jain
@snigdha_dubey it's incredibly rewarding to hear that our tool has helped you overcome writer's block and create compelling storylines. Happy writing!
jyotirmoy dutta
@snigdha_dubey Thanks you Snigdha..
Anil Matcha
Congrats on the launch
Megha John
@matcha_anil Thank you!
Abhinav Kimothi
@matcha_anil Thank you so much Anil. Do let us know if you have any feedback for us.
Vatsal Sharma
@matcha_anil Thank you Anil!
Sourabh Sharma
@matcha_anil Thank you!
Meghaa Gupta
Just tried creating a post on the app. I am impressed with the outcome. Good work team Yarnit!
Abhinav Kimothi
@meghaa_gupta1 Thank you so much for the appreciation. Please keep on exploring and we’d love to hear more from you!
Sourabh Sharma
@meghaa_gupta1 Thanks for the feedback and we are glad that you liked it.
Shantanu Pathak
💎 Pixel perfection
I've been using Yarnit for a little while now, and I must say, it's made content creation fun for me rather than work. As someone who has struggled with writer's block in the past, Yarnit's AI-powered intelligent prompts have been a breath of fresh air, helping me come up with compelling stories effortlessly. AND IT'S FUN! I like that Yarnit has nifty templates for various social media platforms and that I do not have to worry about aspect ratios. Plus, the library of stock images and icons provides helps me not worry about copyright anymore plus they double up a a source of inspiration. On top of that it comes with a visual editor that is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing me to bring my content to life without any design expertise. Fantastic stuff!
jyotirmoy dutta
@shantanu_pathak Thanks for the lovely feedback Shantanu
Nice work on the launch, I'm curious to know more about how the AI can be trained with my own data. Does Yarnit provide any support for that?
jyotirmoy dutta
@srprs Thanks for your note and support. You can train the AI engine by setting up the brand personality with your brand and customer details. You can also train our AI with sample content so that it adapts to your writing style and brand sensibilities. Our brand personality allows you to configure with standard brand archetypes, keywords of choice, definitions, and your customer behavior details.
Prabhuti Systems Pvt. Ltd.
@jyotirmoy_yarnit That is awesome, does this mean that content generated through yarnit will follow same style that I already use in my brand?
Shobhit Bahadur
Creating engaging stories, that connect with audiences is hard work. Having used Yarnit, I can confidently say that the tool can transform the way content is produced. It offers such an intuitive approach to storytelling, interspersed with intelligent/relevant suggestions, that the content creation process becomes a breeze. Kudos to the team in designing such a simple to use application using cutting edge technology.
Abhinav Kimothi
@shobhit_bahadur Thanks a lot Shobhit! Glad that you were able to use Yarnit!
akash jain
@shobhit_bahadur Thanks Shobhit, we're grateful for your support
Max T.Pham
Congrats on launching your AI-powered platform. It's amazing to see all the features you've packed into one app, making it easy for us content creators to personalize, design, write, audit, and publish content with expert guidance. You got my UV, good luck!
jyotirmoy dutta
@maxtpham Thanks a lot Max. Please do share your feedback.
Deepam Mishra
Well conceived👏👏👏
jyotirmoy dutta
@deepam_mishra1 Thank you so much 😊
Prarthana Kapoor
I just tried creating content with some vague keywords to see how the system responds. Must say, I'm mighty impressed, especially with the nuanced designs. Superb work team Yarnit. Way to go!
jyotirmoy dutta
@prarthana_kapoor Thank you so much. Would love your continued support and feedback.
Abhinav Kimothi
@prarthana_kapoor Glad you like it Prarthana! Thank you for the comment!
akash jain
@prarthana_kapoor thank you for your feedback. We hope to continue providing you with the best possible experience on our platform.
Sandeep Acharya
Wonderful to see the vision taking shape . I have used the product and its a breeze - for anyone who is short on time and yet eager to get the best content out - this is the best app to give a try. The choice of templates, to images etc - help to trigger thoughts and then the app UX helps you to put it all together nicely. Congratulations to the team! and all the best. Eager to see what's coming next!
jyotirmoy dutta
@sandeep_acharya2 Thank you so much
akash jain
@sandeep_acharya2 Thank you, Sandeep. It means a lot to hear that our efforts are paying off.
Satyakam Mohanty
Nothing more satisfying for an investor than when a concept is translated to reality without diluting the vision. Awesome job @jyotirmoy and @yarnit team!
jyotirmoy dutta
@satymohanty Thanks a ton for your support
akash jain
@satymohanty Thank you, Saty. Your support and encouragement mean the world to us.
Megha John
@satymohanty Thank you for your support Saty :)
Karthi S
Congrats on the launch team 👏
Sourabh Sharma
@karthik9934 Thank you very much.
Megha John
@karthik9934 Thank you for your support Karthi!