Reseter.css is an awesome CSS boilerplate for a website. It is a great tool for any web designer. Reseter.css resets all the premade styles by the browser. It normalizes the browser's stylesheet for a better cross-browser experience.
"Reseter.css - A Futuristic CSS Reset/Normalize". What makes it "futuristic"? And why should I pick reseter.css compared to other solutions like normalise.css?
@ssijak Reseter.css is a newbie so it has learnt a lot from old/mature repositories like normalize.css. I have also researched latest technologies before creating it. I also first used every reset/normalizer I could and the understood their issues and what makes them not Perfect. More over reseter.css is at least committed once in 2/3 days. So it keeps up with time. More over normalize.css has many issues and was last committed in 2018. So you should consider it
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Sounds good, but I still don't believe that we all need a css reset to later re-reset it again with your custom theme. IMHO you should reset only once and be done with it, but many people don't want to do the work from scratch.
@vbarzana I have resolved the issue of working form scratch as I have researched and added minimal styles like: fonts for heading. Font sizing as per tags and other stuff. built in margin that's what makes reseter.css. First `reset` and then `seter.css` from reseter.css. It also includes nice researched fonts for you to use.
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