Kat Manalac

YARN Stories - String YARNS together to tell a story

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Jeffrey Krause
Thanks Kat and ProductHunt! People already use YARNS in social conversations to be funny and clever. Now you can string YARNS together into a STORY. Which means you can be funnier and cleverer 😁 Take a look...watch user created STORIES, or make your own and post it below. Happy to answer any questions and let us know what you think.
Cory Bray
Making a point with someone is so much more fun when you can use Sean Connery or Samuel L. Jackson to do it for you! Love this product!
Chris Butler
This phone conversation a user did between Jerry Seinfeld and Karl Childers (Billy Bob Thornton) of Sling Blade is pretty funny http://getyarn.io/yarn-story?ids... and one from Chumpwump http://www.getyarn.io/yarn-story...