Erik Holm

Spond - Save 2 hours each week(!) by using Spond - 100% free


Spond is the best solution to organise your team sport. And it's 100% free!

Kantar TNS has completed a research which shows that coaches save around 2 hours each week(!) by using Spond, rather than other apps and services.

Join the millions who already send out invitations every month with Spond!

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Maria Garcia

It's worth pushing the team and educating them about this app! Spond is super easy to get used to and once everybody is on it, there are only pros for all the parts–me (the coach), the players AND their parents.


Made my life much easier! I spend a quarter of the time I used to in my team's admin tasks. Having all in just one place is so convenient.


No cons so far!

Erik Holm
Smooth communication between team leaders, coaches, members and guardians with Spond.
Simon Ogston
I was told about this app today so downloaded it and set it up with ease. I added all my contacts from my phone address book very quickly. Creating groups and events is quick. This is a must if you are running a group or team where you need to capture members attendance. I used to use Survey Monkey but this will be the future. (Things I would change, add some default options at group level like. Visibility of participants list so it’s always set to admins only And so on for the options. Send invitations (4 weeks before event plus other options) just to make creating events quicker plus, if you have chosen immediately (but not added members yet) you cannot change it to a time) I added lots of events in advance and was going to add members later because I didn’t want to overload everyone on one night lol And also a few other options on when to send reminders. 48 hours after sending or 48hrs before the event leaves a big gap between. So. Maybe every week until event, or 2 weeks after sending or 2 weeks before event.
Erik Holm
@oggyboy Hi Simon, thanks a lot for your review and feedback, it's much appreciated! Correct me if I misunderstood but if you create an event or series and add the members straight away you will not be overloading them with invitation as they won't receive the invite until the date you have set (X days/weeks ahead of event start) :) They will still be able to see the event in their event overview but will not be notified. I have taken note of your other feedback around more default options as well as the reminders. Great suggestions!
Swindon Rovers
I've been trialing spond as an alternative for our current app for the past couple of months and it seems to work smoothly and I will look to move the whole team onto it next season. There are however, a few features I feel are missing. The ability to track attendance would be good. I know we have the RSVP but sometimes players have the best of intentions but don't show up. Our current app also has man of the match option were they can vote for their top 3 players. The options are pulled from a list of the players in the group. I'm aware you can do this in polls but that would take a lot of input each week. Finally it would be nice to be able to target specific players when it comes to payment of matcha. Some of my players pay monthly in advance and it would be nice to only still have the registration fee but with the option to except some players from the fee. This may sound like nit picking but I do believe that overall this is a very good app, I just feel these could enhance it even further. Thanks.
Erik Holm
@jamierice Hi, thanks a lot for your feedback, great to hear you're enjoying using Spond and want to bring the whole team onto it:) Good news! You can already track attendance by downloading the attendance history. This in only available to download on web at the moment but we are planning on making it possible in the app as well (read more: For the attendance fee, you as admin can manually go in to the event and set the players who have already paid the fee to 'Attending' without having to pay the fee. I understand an option to except players from the fee beforehand would be ideal and Im noting that down but hopefully that can be a workaround. The Man of the match is a great feature idea and something I know other users also are looking for. I have taken note of your feedback around this as well so we can take it into consideration. Thanks a lot for your input, it's much appreciated :)