
xordrive - Encrypted & decentralized cloud storage.


👮Use decentralized identity to access your files from anywhere securely.

🔐All your files are stored encrypted with keys only you control (no centralized entities storing your keys/passwords).

🌎You have the option to choose where you store your data.

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Edin Vejzovic
Well, I just posted my nudes there. Now we wait.
Muneeb Majeed
@edinvejzovic We are planning to release private share feature soon, so you could share them with whoever you like securely and encrypted ;)
Muneeb Majeed
@edinvejzovic @muneebram @jefvanbockryck You can now share your files privately with other users! Please check it out and let us know what you think.
Jef Vanbockryck
@edinvejzovic @muneebram @muneeb_majeed Very nice. Next is sharing of a folder, right?
Edin Vejzovic
@muneebram @jefvanbockryck @muneeb_majeed This is sweet! Great work! I know this was a tricky thing to accomplish and I really appreciate the work that went into this.
Muneeb Majeed
Hello PH! If you are wondering why do we need another file storage solution, here is why we built XOR Drive: 1. If you are using XOR Drive, nobody can deny you access to your files. There is no centralized entity controlling your access. You own completely the identity you use for accessing your files. Prevent big corporations from shutting you down from their services and accessing/selling your data. 2. You don't need any additional tools to encrypt your data. XOR Drive stores all your files encrypted by default. 3. You have the option to choose where you want to store your data. XOR Drive uses @blockstack 's storage system called Gaia to store data. Gaia acts as an overlay on top of existing commodity storage systems (including cloud storage, server hosted by you or other decentralized storage systems). You can attach the Gaia hub you want to your identity, and XOR Drive uses the connected Gaia hub to read and write files. 4. When you get started, you get signed up by default for the FREE Gaia storage provided by Blockstack PBC. Yes, that's right, you get FREE encrypted storage. Get started already! Access your files from anywhere without compromising your data ownership. We have tons of new features in our roadmap; please follow us @xordrive to get updates. We'd love to hear your feedback/suggestions and feel free to DM us on @xordrive if you have any questions. Powered by @blockstack Thank you all! - XOR Drive team
Sorin Amzu
@blockstack @xordrive @muneeb_majeed How much free storage is included in the basic plan? Cheers!
Muneeb Majeed
@blockstack @xordrive @muneeb_majeed @sorinamzu The free storage is provided by Blockstack PBC and right now the storage is unlimited. But in future, they may choose to limit it.
Joe O'Boyle
Great Solution , is it open source?
Muneeb Majeed
@joe_oboyle Not open sourced currently, but we are planning to open source it in near future. Thanks for checking out!
@blockstack @xordrive @muneeb_majeed open source like graphite?
Tried it @muneebram - looking forward to update. Issues: 1. didn't pick up on id for public link 2. can't download or view files on public link 3. doesn't play video files and downloads as a zero file 4. how far away are updates?
Muneeb Majeed
@muneebram @tsognanwar Thanks for trying, we are looking into this issues. You can expect an update in a few days.
Niklas Pivic

Devs are super-responsive and nice. The app is improving. I've uploaded loads of files without any real issues.


Unlimited storage, blockchain-encrypted solution. Not spied on, never been unavailable.


No standalone app to reach files, hard to upload loads of files at once.

How can we submit bugs and issues?
Muneeb Majeed
@sulayman1 Please send us an email to or a message to our twitter handle @xordrive. Thanks for trying out.
Steven Lam
@sulayman1 @xordrive @muneeb_majeed FYI - is not working. My email was returned as "Message not delivered" error code: The response from the remote server was: 550 [] is not a fully qualified domain name ("FQDN")
Muneeb Majeed
@slamboogie88 That’s embarrassing, sorry. Will try to fix it as soon as possible. Thanks for letting us know.
StardockMW (Folder-X)

It's a fucking shit (if at least it worked ... but no, not even that)




The page is crashed with large files (1 gb or more) can not login with another different account from the same browser

Muneeb Majeed
The FREE storage comes with some limitations​. If the file size is more than 10MB the download and upload speed will be slower. And also if you store more than 10GB, the free storage provider is now throttling the upload speed to encourage fair usage. Some people are just abusing the free storage and free service. You can always set up your own storage hub and get around these limitations if you want. ​Please let us know if you need any help with that. It's true that you have to reset your Blockstack browser if you wish to login as a ​different user. It has to be like that now as it's a limitation of the platform (Blockstack) we built on and we don't have any way around it. Please feel free to contact us if you are still having these issues. Nobody reported a website crash before so we are interested in learning more about the problem you are having.
Steven Lam
@muneeb_majeed maybe provide a paid storage option - $10 per month for unlimited storage. I'd pay for the storage plus the security of my own data.






Анна Селезнёва Hello!Please tell me how I can restore the access to the cloud storage ? After setting up the antivirus, the password flew off, now I enter my username and password, but for some reason I can't log in under my data.PLEASE , HELP ME TO RESTORE THE ACCESS TO MY CLOUD STORAGE, AS IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT WORK DOCUMENTS AND MEMORABLE PHOTOS.
sort of too easy to use I'm confused
Muneeb Majeed
@spindriftur Please let us know if you have any questions.
Hello ! How to empty the trash from folders ? Only files are deleted and folders remain. Thanks.
Muneeb Majeed
@yeskesha Sorry for the late reply. Please send us a message on Twitter at @xordrive if you are still having issues.
Musico musica
I have a problem, I can not delete files, first I delete them and they come back to look like
Hello, I have no share button, when I'm using XOR Drive on PC (Win 7, Chrome 75, 2560x1440). However, I have no this issue with Android and Linux on the other devices. Thanks UPD: Solved :-) The problem was in Adblock. But still no option to share the folders, only separate files.
Oscar Andres Aguilera Esparza
Hello, i cant upload a large video file (9 gig). Tested a few files, and no one work
Muneeb Majeed
@oscar_andres_aguilera_esparza The FREE storage comes with some limitations​. If the file size is more than 10MB the download and upload speed will be slower. And also if you store more than 10GB, the free storage provider is now throttling the upload speed to encourage fair usage. You can always set up your own storage hub and get around these limitations if you want. ​Please let us know if you need any help with that.
I add a video but when i try to dowload i can't I don't know the reason plis help me
Abraym Alvarez
wooow esto esta super genial lo unico que le ase falta es su aplicacion para el ordenador windows 10 para sincronisacion pero aun a si esta de pelosssss jajaja
Abraym Alvarez
hola tengo una pregunta si subo una carpeta y por alguna razon se interrumpe la subida de mis archivos que estan en mi carpeta que se esta subiendo y al dia siguiente lo vuelvo a subir esa misma carpeta me sube completa la carpeta o solo las que me faltaron subir del dia anterior o hay una aplicacion para el ordenador del pc para sincronisar las subidas de mi carpeta
Adam Senn
tienen app?
juan carlos
Hi, thanks for your cloud hosting services, I would like to ask when the problem with the uploads that are: `` 0 '' bytes downloads ... I want to upload about 20 teras of cinema and music, but when downloading arrive just a few bytes. Could you correct it ?? ---- Note, they are mostly Mkv, flac, ac3 files. Thank you
juan carlos
Buenas , sigue persistiendo el mismo problema, solo llegan bien a la nube archivos muy pequeños como imágenes o fotos. Peliculas y Musica llegan pero ,al hacer click para ver,escuchar o incluso descargar falla!!! mkv,flac,ape,etc,.. NO funciona correctamente para películas de gigas y la música en formato flac , mas de lo mismo.. ¿alguna soluccion?? Gracias
juan carlos
una muestra de uno de tantos fallos,:: [img][...