Guan Xun Chew

WriteMapper 2 - Skyrocket your writing productivity using mind maps πŸ’­


Get from idea to final draft in no time with WriteMapper: The outlining app that helps anyone with writing deadlines quickly and easily produce text documents using mind maps.

Visually brainstorm your way through writer's block, write distraction-free in the app, then automatically create & export a text document in your file format of choice! πŸ™Œ

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I absolutely love WriteMapper. I used it when documenting my position at my old job, and I wouldn't have managed without it. I also used it as a living document in my project management, and was able to export the whole thing as one big project wrap-up in the end. Truly a time and life saver!
Guan Xun Chew
@mattiasd_ Thank you so much for the kind words! 😍 Really glad that you've found it useful. Helping others save time and be more productive was one of the reasons I chose to embark on creating this tool in the first place. Your words mean a lot β€” thanks again!
Guan Xun Chew
πŸ‘‹ Hey Product Hunt, I’ve been working hard the past few months, through and during the πŸ—πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„ holiday season to today unveil: WriteMapper 2! WriteMapper is the app that helps you turn your ideas into text documents using mind maps, taking your writing productivity to the next level. It’ll help you: - Relentlessly generate ideas using mind maps - Overcome writer’s block by breaking tasks down - Beat procrastination to skyrocket writing productivity πŸš€ - Export your final draft to compatible file formats - And all from a beautifully-designed interface Also new in WriteMapper 2 are three new major features: File Import, Full Document Preview, and Custom Keyboard Shortcuts, among many other improvements. Free trials are available on macOS, Windows and iPad, and you can get discounted launch pricing if you purchase a copy within the next 7 days, while existing customers will get a free upgrade. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback about WriteMapper, and answering any questions you might have. Otherwise, Happy New Year everyone β€” here’s to a great and productive 2019 ahead! πŸ₯³πŸ₯‚
Guan Xun Chew
Quick note: The free trial download button on the website was broken for about the first hour after launch. I've since fixed it and you should be able to download the free trial as per normal from our website. Special thanks πŸ™ to Aydin for reporting the issue to us on Twitter!
Anna Filou
Damn! How did I not know about this amazing product?? This is so exciting! I love seeing the outline of whatever I’m writing (a feature of Dropbox Paper that I appreciate) but this takes that 10 steps further! Just wow!
Guan Xun Chew
It's been about a year and half since I launched the original version of the app, which was then macOS-only. Since then, I've been adding features to it, making improvements over time and expanding the app's capabilities, leading up to today's unveiling of WriteMapper 2. @anna_0x I hope you'll find WriteMapper useful this 2019! πŸ˜ƒ
Anna Filou
@gx absolutely! Still haven't checked it out but will do this week :) What a great concept, seems like an awesome product too
Rob Hardy

Version 2 added two of my biggest feature requests - custom keyboard shortcuts, and the ability to preview entire documents before exporting. Makes me super happy!


Has dramatically sped up my writing process



Pedro Wunderlich
Downloaded the trial just to see if the all the fuzz was justified. Used it for 7 minutes, then went back to the website and bought a license! The full keyboard control is what did it for me. I've become very fond of apps that empower visual thinking. This is the best-looking, most organized I've used yet! The ability to export to a doc is πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ If you're looking for a visual thinking tool, you might also want to check out Flowlist which has an interesting approach to mind mapping (using lists).
Guan Xun Chew
Thanks for the purchase and kind words, @pddro! Hope you'll be finding WriteMapper plenty useful this 2019. 😊 The custom keyboard shortcuts feature was a major undertaking to implement, especially considering that it had to work on all 3 platforms the app is available on: macOS, Windows, and even on the iPad. Very happy to hear your comment on here. Thanks again and have a great year ahead!
Pedro Wunderlich
@gx Very happy using it! Already put together 5 different maps. Do you have an email I could send some feedback to?
Guan Xun Chew
@pddro Absolutely, send it to hello at, thanks! :)
Tomer Dicturel

as someone that write a lot and struggle with it - cool idea


looks cool -


not yet

Arpit Choudhury
Really cool product, congrats on the launch. Just tried it for Mac and Windows both and it seems there's a bug with the Windows version. I'm only able to double-click and expand the source/parent node while to expand any other, I'm having to right-click and then click edit. Good luck!
Guan Xun Chew
@irhymeth Thanks for the kind words and your well wishes! Just performed a check regarding the double-click issue on Windows, but I could not seem to replicate the issue. Please see this short video clip: Do let me know if I'm doing something different from how you're approaching it? Otherwise, we'll keep our eyes peeled for any indication of why this might be the case for you as we continue to work on the app. Thank you for taking the time to let me know about it! :)
Arpit Choudhury
@gx You're welcome! So I was looking at the tutorial map and yeah while clicking the child nodes, I was unable to double-click and expand the individual nodes. I can share a video of this later.
Guan Xun Chew
@irhymeth Would be very helpful in diagnosing the issue, if you could. Thanks again!
Beautiful product. I have no words. Only questions: - Is there any plan to support images? Or this would be out of scope? - Is there any plan to support full search? (inside nodes) and if not, is there any plans to support search on preview mode? That would do the trick
Guan Xun Chew
@gepser I'm coming across your comment a bit late, but image support is currently already in place for the iPad (drag and drop) as well as desktop versions, and will be coming in a future update for the just-released iPhone version. We added support for the Quick Search feature to also search within a node's contents just last month, in the WriteMapper 2.7 update. More info may be found at the What's New page on our website. Hope this info helps! :)
Jake Tran
awesome product, and what isnt better than support both mac and windows
Benicia Yadav
its better tyo mindmapping,its windows awesome product
Ross Currie
Probably the most innovative writing app I've seen in a long, long time Random thoughts for features I'd want/expect - markdown support for writing? (I'm just so used to writing in markdown these days) - side-by-side preview (I like distraction free, but sometimes I wanna see the full document preview on the side) - consider throwing words on page in toolbar (bottom of page) by default, just so that they're there. - features like typewriter mode (centered vertically), typewriter noises, Hemingway mode (no backspace), etc. are standard in most writing apps these days. On even has ambient background noise option. Most of all, I'd love if I could open a node in a new window, so I could have my main document tree on one monitor, and the node I'm actively editing on another. Same goes for having a live full document preview open on my third monitor.
Guan Xun Chew
@rossdcurrie Definitely hear you on the ability to open a node's content in a new window. It's a feature that's on our product roadmap scheduled for a future release. We also do plan on adding more modes of writing, supporting Markdown and TeX input in the future. I can't provide you with an ETA on when these features might make it into the app itself, unfortunately, although I too hope it'll be sooner rather than later! Am committed to improving WriteMapper over time, as has been the case since its release about a year and a half ago. You can see the What's New page on our website for a detailed timeline of app updates it's received. Otherwise, thank you for your effort in noting down all your suggestions and ideas! Very much appreciated β€” will be using these to help improve WriteMapper. Cheers! πŸ˜ƒ
David Oudiette
Really cool product, gives a bit more of a visual twist on something like Workflowy. One problem I've encountered so far: sometimes when reorganizing nodes within a parent node, another node at the level of the parent "steals" the node I'm moving (E.g. If I have Animals -> Dogs -> Dog breeds, when moving a dog breed, it might attach to the nearby Animals -> Cats -> Cat breeds). Any way to make that easier?
Guan Xun Chew
@davidoudiette Currently, the drag and drop mechanism works by trying to detect the position of the node you're dragging around, in order to calculate which node it should attach to. Admittedly, there is some nuance/precision required in getting the node to "snap" to the intended position, and this can sometimes be tricky in the scenario you mentioned. I'm considering adding keyboard shortcuts which move nodes up/down, so that you're not limited to the mouse/finger as an input mechanism for manipulating how nodes are moved. I'm sorry that other than providing you with that information, I'm not able to offer a more immediately usable workaround to help address the issue you're currently facing. Thanks for the kind words and have a great year ahead! :)
David Oudiette
@gx No worries, it's just a nice to have feature. Keyboard shortcuts to move notes around would be a good solution. πŸ˜ƒ
Guan Xun Chew
@davidoudiette I always appreciate receiving direct user feedback. It's what helps me to improve the app. Cheers! :)