I scraped and collected data from Google search results and created a static site generator from scratch to present the data I collect on a regular basis.
I wanted to learn the ins and outs of building a "static site generator", so I decided to make something useful with the scraped data.
I felt like torturing myself, so I built a static site generator from scratch with no third-party modules. Yes, I know there are better options.
Source Code: https://github.com/crock/worksauce
Site: https://worksauce.com
Enjoy! 😊
I scraped the first 10 pages of Google search results for the following queries to get a list of the top-ranking “web developer” portfolio websites hosted on Netlify, Vercel, and GitHub Pages.
site:*.netlify.app web developer
site:*.vercel.app web developer
site:*.github.io web developer