Matt Henderson 🚀

Press Hunt 2.0 - A database of ~400k journalists to feature your business 🤩

Press Hunt is a categorized database of ~400k journalists, reporters, and media outlets. You can build media lists of your favorite journalists, export their contact info to CSV, then run PR campaigns to them.

Journalists are categorized by what they're interested in writing about next, so you can quickly find the ones most likely to feature you!

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Peter Dziedzicz
Journalists like @johnbiggs will "love" to receive more spam pitches about nothing specially interesting. Sorry but this is the way people will use it...
John Biggs
@pdziedzicz Oh no, man, I LOVE getting spam. You can email me at Sadly, I delete all my email every few hours so I doubt I'll see it!
Peter Dziedzicz
@johnbiggs you show me a good direction I need to think about and later to add to my inbox - automatic archive of every single email in every 12 hours, so the inbox will be empty after that. 😃
John Biggs
@pdziedzicz I totally want a product hunt product like that
Matt Henderson 🚀
@johnbiggs @pdziedzicz Our goal is to reduce spam by making what journalists want to write about transparent, while also making effective PR campaigns accessible to people/companies with little disposable time Journalists like @johnbiggs are going to receive spam if we exist or not. Might as well actively work on making this whole ecosystem better for everyone involved––even if it doesn't solve every problem right away
Paul Danyliuk
@johnbiggs noted, will send you an email every 1:59 so that eventually it’s on the top of your inbox and you notice it! 😉
Anastasia Y
Hey Matt! 2 quick questions: Is it GDPR compliant? Did you get permission to share this data?
Matt Henderson 🚀
@anastasia_yasevych Hey Anastasia! Yes, all emails are sourced from websites where journalists made their contact info publicly available with the intention to receive pitches! Press Hunt is an aggregation of that data. We also have systems in place to delete journalist data easily if they decide they want to opt out.
Anastasia Y
@juhaszhenderson thanks for your answer, that's awesome!
@anastasia_yasevych @juhaszhenderson not sure if that’s GDPR compliance. GDPR is all about consent. Because someone put their address on some other pitch site... THEY did that. They took an action. Without explicit content to use someone’s data for a specific purpose then you are not compliant.
John Biggs
@anastasia_yasevych @juhaszhenderson this isn't GDPR compliant
Dainis Kanopa
@johnbiggs How many spam pitches do you receive per day on average?
Chris Villa
Love the idea of this, but unfortunately I can’t sign up to trial with iOS 12 Safari on my 6S because the button is clipped off! Besides fixing that perhaps it should also show the trial button on the subscribe page?
Matt Henderson 🚀
@chrisvxd Hey Chris! Thanks for checking it out. Which page are you on where the button is clipped? Here are direct links to get you where you need to go:
Matt Henderson 🚀
@chrisvxd Just pushed a temporary fix!
Matt Henderson 🚀
⚡️⚡️ 40% OFF FOREVER DISCOUNT CODE FOR PRODUCT HUNT: `PRODUCTHUNT` ⚡️⚡️ ——— Hey guys! 👋 Press Hunt is a categorized database of almost 400k journalists, reporters, and media outlets. Finding the right journalists to pitch your business to––then finding their email address––is a nightmare. The data is spread out all over the internet, down the google rabbit hole, news sites, and twitter accounts. Research can take hundreds of hours on it’s own, not even counting the time it takes to run an effective email campaign. Over the last year we’ve run hundreds of PR campaigns for companies like Instacart and Dos Toros. Our campaigns have been featured by hundreds of media outlets like The Washington Post, The Independent, and VICE. We started out building media lists by hand, but that sucked. We built crawlers to compile the 1.0 of this data, then purged, cleaned, and enriched it all. With this update we’ve added millions of data points: new tags, phone numbers, journalist media outlet, photos, and more! Since our 1.0 almost a hundred companies (startups, photographers, PR agencies, etc.) have used Press Hunt, logging almost 80k searches. For our 2.0 we’ve completely revamped the UI, updated & enriched our dataset (with new attributes like phone numbers, social media accounts, and millions of new data points), and built out a new system for you to save journalists to media lists and export their contact info to CSV (so running email campaigns to them is now even easier). Like our 1.0, journalists are categorized by tags representing what they’re likely to write about next (based on what they’ve written about before, where they write, and what they tweet about). The dataset includes emails, phone numbers, where they write, and their industry focuses. Press Hunt plans start at $69/mo, but we’ve made a special 40% off forever lifetime discount code for early adopters on Product Hunt: ‘PRODUCTHUNT’. This code expires this week. 🙂 We’d love feedback––thanks for reading this 🙏 - Matt & Aaron
Aaron Tsai
We've been working really hard on this the past 3 months. This is the most sophisticated software product we built this year, and we're really excited to share it with you!
Jake Wang
How did you collect the information of journalists etc.? Have you got permission from them?
Matt Henderson 🚀
@jake_w Journalist emails are scraped from sites where they’ve been made them publicly available with the intention of of receiving PR pitches (we haven’t privately gotten the email from them then made it public here)
Cameron Rohani
A few years ago my neighbor and one of his buddies sent emails to hundreds of tech journalists in an attempt to get press for their startup. They half-jokingly released the list of emails behind a paywall on ProductHunt. I don't think they ever got any press for their startup however they did get something written about the list they were trying to sell...
Matt Henderson 🚀
@cameronrohani Thanks for commenting! While most emails are open if you look hard enough, finding the right emails/journalists for your project is tough, hence the categorization of them with tags. Lists like TC’s are helpful but if that’s all you’re pitching to you’re unlikely to get covered!
Love seeing your new work! Are you still building 24 products this year?
Matt Henderson 🚀
@mungerology Thanks! We're going to try to! This product put a huge roadblock in the way for the last 6-7 weeks. We've been all hands on this trying to get it out (as this product is strategically very important for us). My goal is for us to get out another 3 products before the end of the year.
Bryan Sarlitt
Love the idea, but as others have expressed, this may not be GDPR compliant. Why not create an opt-in function for the journalists? Sure, the list would be smaller, but it'd be higher quality and would remove the compliance risk. Something I'd be willing to pay extra for.
Matt Henderson 🚀
@bryan_sarlitt Thanks for commenting Bryan! To be clear, you'd be interested in paying more for a more compliant list? Or for a smaller, higher quality list?
Bryan Sarlitt
@juhaszhenderson I want to send pitches to journalists who want to be pitched. I'd be willing to pay more for that assurance by there being an opt-in function for the journalists and knowing that it's GDPR compliant.
Fabrizio Rinaldi

Almost looks like a scam while you actually try it


Pretty big list


Basically outdated. Search function is ridiculous. Many reporters are outdated. Can't cancel the plan inside

Matt Henderson 🚀
Thanks for the feedback Reporters are constantly changing jobs, getting new contacts, etc. We update the database often to keep up with this Our search function is powered by Algolia––a market standard, even used here on Product Hunt You can cancel the plan through live chat whenever you want, with a 24-48 hour turnaround time Dozens/100+ happy users, the database has been used by big co's like Instacart for campaigns & small startups alike Great value, especially considering competitive products cost 5x - 10x more and usually require long-term contracts
Tem Nugmanov
Been quite useful in finding and reaching out to journalists for my NYU club’s work. We got a piece written about a new hackathon we launched a few weeeks ago. The new dashboards and lists make the UX even better. Thanks 🚀
Lukas Bentel

I've launched a number of projects that I look for press and often the most time consuming part is finding and researching relevant journalists. I was extremely please with how easy Press Hunt is to use. I had a whole list of journalists that I wanted to contact but was unable to find accurate emails and Press Hunt did the job. I would highly recommend it.


Great access to journalist contacts


Inevitable with a big data set, but you still have to do a little research to make sure you are contacting relevant people on your own.

Anthony Dike 🌻🐝
Good shit, Matt. Proud of you 👏
Matt Henderson 🚀
@antdke Thanks man 👊🏼
Justin Edward Steven Novak
Eager to try out 2.0 - Nice work!
Among the worst services I've ever used in my years in marketing and PR. - Several of the journalists contacted asked where I'd got their details, on informing them of 'presshunt' they all said they were unaware and many seemed to wish to be removed. - Majority of emails are defunct. I highly suspect most emails that do work go to Spam. - The most painful part: Cancelling your account! A Kafka-esque labyrinth of endless online forms, reduced-price offers to stay, and emails from staff to fill out yet another form, with the promise of then allowing you cancel. It genuinely took days for them to agree to cancel the account, during which I basically had to threaten legal action. I am convinced this is a scam site that doesn't comply to GDPR. Avoid at all costs.