Podcast List is database of over 200,000 podcasts complete with tags & emails to help you find and pitch podcasts to interview you, feature your business, or run one of your ads.
Hey guys! 👋
Podcast List is a categorized database of 200k+ podcasts with emails & tags to help you find and pitch podcasts to cover your business.
Podcasts are the newest form of media outlet, and coverage of you, your product, or your business can generate tons of attention quickly.
Most podcast lists are designed for people trying to find new podcasts to listen to, which is only marginally helpful for marketers. For Podcast List we’ve designed the ideal list for entrepreneurs and marketers trying to find the right podcast to pitch their story to––either as an organic story/interview or as an advertisement.
Podcast List includes emails, tags & categories, hosts, titles, logos, the number of episodes, links to social media accounts & websites, and links to the podcast’s iTunes page.
To help you find even more coverage opportunities for your product, we've integrated this into our product Press Hunt which means as a bonus you’ll also get access to:
🌍 our database of 400k journalists from all over the world
🗃 the ability to build lists of your favorite podcasts & journalists
⚡️ the ability to export their contact data to CSV so you can easily run email outreach campaigns
Our plans start at $69/mo, but we’ve made a special 40% off forever lifetime discount code for early adopters on Product Hunt: ‘PRODUCTHUNT’. This code expires this week. 🙂
As always we’d love feedback––thanks for taking the time to read this 🙏
- Matt & Aaron from Press Hunt
@luqa Thanks for commenting Luca! Here's a quote from Adweek:
"Studies found podcasts generate up to 4.4 times better brand recall than display ads, including scroll, static and pop-up ads on other digital media platforms."
@juhaszhenderson Podcast is one of the best ways to find your niche audience. I am really excited to see how this product will help businesses get their products out to customers who aren't exposed to more traditional media outlets.
@laura_pompeu Thanks Laura! Accurate, up-to-date data like that is really hard to come by for every podcast. We're working on adding popularity indicators to the top podcasts––that's coming soon!
@juhaszhenderson Got it, it's still very powerful, congrats! I think it's interesting how the Boost plan includes services, I wonder if that's the future for tech startups: offering the tool and the expertise in using it. But that's off topic here. Good luck!
@marshawright It covers all of Press Hunt (except for our $699/mo Boost plan)! You'll get access to our full database of journalists in addition to podcasts
@marshawright Hey Marsha! Are you having trouble signing up? Saw you left a comment that the site was down, but looks like that comment disappeared. There are a few people online, and just had a signup a few minutes ago so everything should be running smoothly! Have you tried doing a hard refresh (cmd/ctrl + shift + r)?
@juhaszhenderson (yeah I deleted it) It would really help if I wasn't trying to load it on ProductHunt.com and .io. Just a check on ... Will the coupon cover future upgrades? if we start on package 1 or 2 to try it out, will the discount remain if we upgrade? Thanks
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