Sourav Badami

Word Game - Practice vocabulary like a Champ


Word game is a free online platform powered by the state-of-the-art dictionary to practice vocabulary like a champ!
Our challenges are curated on-the-fly based on user history and other captured parameters.

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Saif Hassan
Would love to see an iOS version
Sourav Badami
@saiftheboss7 We'll be releasing an iOS version soon. Please keep watching this space. Thank you so much!
Saul Fleischman
This is just the best execution of a word game ever. Nice work, Sourav!
Sourav Badami
@saul_fleischman Thank you so much!
yasaman taheri
An invitation to cooperate gamers! We need a creative, energetic gamer, with the talent of a detective and a professional in breaking word codes, for the team of terrestrial scientists trying to communicate with people on Mars!! Do you think you qualify? Great! We invite you to join our team. Maybe the key to solving the puzzles is in your hands! Use your intelligence and creativity and collect points; perhaps you can go to the top of the players' league and set a record. Adjust the game based on your age group and abilities and enjoy it. We have no restrictions on joining the player team. You can start now at any level and age group.