Snap a picture, ask a question and let the world decide.
Grant Mac
Wooju — Snap a picture, ask a question and let the world decide.
Grant Mac
Looks like a super interesting app in the social decision space. The idea reminds me of a love child of Quora and Snapchat.
Philip Kushmaro
@grantmac_ quora, snapchat and a little bit of tinder maybe?
Chris Puricelli
It crashes at signup
Calum Leslie
Thanks Grant! Really happy to answer any questions. Appreciate you posting and downloading the app. We are on a mission to make the world a little less indecisive...one step closer!
Hugo Alves
@calumleslie wooju reminds me of @biz's Jelly. Was it an inspiration or the overlap was an accident?
Calum Leslie
@ugo_alves the idea came about after I was the subject of a sorority "hot or not" experiment, so a slight accident there! It would be great if you checked out our pitch on Youtube (
) as it gives the complete background :)