C S Sultan

WordPress Media Storage to Cloud - Serve WordPress site media directly from your cloud storage.


You can serve your WordPress website media and contents directly from your cloud storage, such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Digital Ocean.
Sync your WordPress media to your preferred cloud storage and serve website media directly from there easily.

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Suleman Elahi
Not working with S3 right now,
C S Sultan
Hi @sulemanelahi2 sorry you are facing issues. You can always contact our support. Maybe there are certain settings missed for example making the bucket publicly accessible. But if you knock the support (we have live chat support for limited hours as well) then we can guide you hands on. Cheers!!
Suleman Elahi
@sultan_royal Thanks but its solved now. I just created a new user as was mentioned in the tutorial linked on the storage settings page. It's all working now.
C S Sultan
@sulemanelahi2 Great to know!!!
C S Sultan
We were facing issues with website load time when loading media content. So we created this plugin to rather serve media content through cloud storage. It works like a charm with Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Digital Ocean.
C S Sultan
What cloud storage do you prefer?
Toren Ajk
@sultan_royal My preference is definitely B2 https://www.backblaze.com/b2/clo... Much cheaper than S3 but you can use the same S3 API configuration.
C S Sultan
@fthead9 Great suggestion there. I will definitely take a look.
@maker I followed the instructions point by point but didnt work for me
C S Sultan
@maker @batmanc Hi, if you face any issue you can always contact our support. Maybe there are certain settings missed for example making the bucket publicly accessible. But if you knock the support (we have live chat support for limited hours as well) then we can guide you hands on. Cheers!!