Jordan Singer

Wonder for Slack - Remember the things your team forgets

Wonder remembers things for your team so you don’t have to. If you think your team will forget it, just tell Wonder.

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Wonder for Slack brings the utility of Wonder Memories to your team's workspace. By storing useful memories such as vital information for new and existing employees, the steps to standard procedures, or other meaningful company data, you will save your team time and maximize efficiency.
Ben Lang
Top Product
Congrats on the launch! What size companies do you think Wonder works best for?
@benln Great question. Ideal for teams of 2-20 I'd say. We use it on our Wonder team of 4 and find it works great for remembering passwords and dropbox/drive links. We may need to build some extra support for bigger teams in the future. For now each team has one db of shared memories that can be accessed in any channel, and each individual can have their own private memories via direct message to Wonder.
@benln Thank you Ben! We are fans of Spoke :) Right now it works great for relatively small teams. We see Wonder (on slack) to be an easy way for any one to easily query and save information. Public memories are great for shared memories but you also get your own personal space. We have some cool things coming up to support larger orgs.
Adam Bickford
@morgan_heck Congrats on the launch. When you say ideal for teams of 2-20, what tends to break down or become cumbersome with larger teams? say 150-200?
@adam_bickford It's more that we don't have much experience with teams of that size, so we anticipate there may be some extra support needed for managing/organizing memories. We would love to have a large team try it out though so we can see what we can do to cater to a team that large.
Ben Potter
Such an amazing and simple tool. I'm adding it to my team now. Is pricing going to remain free forever?
@bpmct For now yes. May release premium features in the future though!
Mario Arabov
That look mega useful! Just added it in our channel to test it out. Feedback soon
@mario_arabov Thanks Mario! We would love your feedback.
Marc Snyder
@morgan_heck Is adding some kind of a deadline/snooze type feature on your roadmap?
@marcsnyder absolutely. We have a significant number of ppl who try to set reminders
is there anybody still using this app for slack? is it still workable? i tried but it behave oddly.