Jordan Singer

Wonder for Google Home - Remember the things you easily forget

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Ben Tossell
A no-brainer helpful use-case for voice assistants.... can you make this for Alexa now please? K Thx
Ben Tossell
@jsngr was secretly hoping that this is what the reply would be. Thanks!
Jordan Singer
We're proud to officially launch Wonder for Google Home! Wonder was released a few short months ago as a bot that helped to remember the things that you often forget, for example "Remember that my mom's favorite drink at Starbucks is a White Chocolate Mocha, no whip." We were humbled to have been a launch partner for the Google Home back in December 2016 alongside some really great agents, including Uber, CNN, and of course Product Hunt! In the context of the home, Wonder serves as a great way to store common household memories that can be shared between family members and guests. For example, whenever a friend comes over and they ask for your Wi-Fi password, now you can just say "Ok Google, ask Wonder what the Wi-Fi password is." We think this is a great way to keep memories readily available via your voice. You can try Wonder for Google Home by saying, "Ok Google, talk to Wonder." Also, if you have an Amazon Echo, you're in luck! Just say, "Alexa, open Wonder bot." We can't wait for you to try it out! Wonder is also available on these platforms: - Wonder for Messenger - Wonder for Amazon Echo - Wonder for SMS (+1 (914)-996-6337) P.S. we're beta testing Wonder for Slack. If you think your Slack team would be interested in trying out Wonder, let me know!
Julie Chabin
Does "Remember to tell my husband to take the trash out every 2 days" work? Asking for a friend.
Ouriel Ohayon
if i ask wonder to remember something on messenger will it recall it on alexa? or those are silloed
Jordan Singer
@ourielohayon merging memories is coming soon via a dashboard.
Ouriel Ohayon
@jsngr must have. i don t see myself trying to spell my wifi password letter by letter with Caps and !....
Kevin Guebert
This is fantastic - nicely done everyone. I think it should be built-in to these assistants, but thankfully we have you guys building Wonder!
Jordan Gonen
@jsngr and team are awesome! great launch
I like the idea but how is it different from google home's remembering function? If I want to visually see my remembered items where can I see that?
Jordan Singer
@nilsej a dashboard is coming soon. Wonder is cross platform and is available in more places than just google assistant. That's what gives the added benefit