Lizelle van Vuuren

Women Who Startup New City Launch - 1,000 Tee’s for 10,000 Entrepreneurs by Summer 2016

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Lizelle van Vuuren
WOMEN WHO STARTUP LAUNCHES 1,000 TEE’S FOR 10,000 ENTREPRENEURS CAMPAIGN. GET THE TEE AND HELP US LAUNCH IN 10 NEW CITIES BY SUMMER 2016. It’s hard to explain how much momentum a Summit creates, so I’ll just say that it creates a ton. The Women Who Startup Summit 2015, during Denver Startup Week on September 29th was a huge success and it’s because you showed up, because you want to learn, connect, collaborate and ultimately you want to succeed. Women Who Startup is still extremely young–2 years in. A passion project that is turning into a social enterprise, all with the mission at hand to empower women and those who support and work with them to be accelerated as entrepreneurs so you have what you need to create, innovate, start, grow and scale your companies. It’s also becoming so much more. With 2016 smack dab in our foresight we are kicking off a member, partner and sponsor driven bootstrap campaign to help us raise enough capital to create the framework that’s going to help kick off the process for launching Women Who Startup Chapters (Basecamps) in at least 10 new cities by Summer 2016. If every attendee from Women Who Startup Summit, nearly 500+ in attendance believe in our mission then we ask you to invest $20 to buy your very own [new] Women Who Startup Original t-shirt. Together, buying one t-shirt will help us raise $10,000+ to kickstart our initiative to help women all over the country, starting with 10 other cities to launch their very own Women Who Startup Basecamps. This is $20 that you invest not only in a simple and powerful t-shirt, but a statement that you’re putting your money where your mouth is. Here’s your opportunity to show me that you care about building the largest hub of female entrepreneurs and helping all of us connect, collaborate, grow and excel, together. Buy a tee, sport the brand, be the change. Invest in yourself to have the biggest, strongest and most powerful community and platform of colleagues and peers ever. Be apart of the beginning of a powerful movement. I see every member of Women Who Startup as an investor, advisor, contributor, team member and friend. Please do your part to buy your very own tee and help us get this movement to really take flight in 2016. If you want to contribute in a larger capacity, please email me right now, at I’ve grown Women Who Startup to 1,300+ members in less than 2 years and now you can make sure that we triple that number in Colorado over the next year and help start the small [helpful] fires for other women in other cities across the USA and globally starting in India and South Africa — who crave this community’s connection, collaboration, programming and opportunities to help each other learn, grow, scale. We ultimately need 1,000 people to buy one t-shirt so that we can kick off a successful new city launch program come Spring 2016. October and November is geared towards getting you all to buy your shirt and to commit to being an ambassador and spreading the word. At the very least please become an avid ambassador and share the campaign heavily over the next few weeks. Click here to send a tweet to your followers. Every Women Who Startup t-shirt is a declaration that we care that women continue to get the access to professional networks, education, workshops, community and support so that they and you can continue to innovate and participate at creating companies, products and services. For some women entrepreneurship is about survival, for others it’s about creating highly competitive products in thriving markets. Either way, we can support each other. Please grab a tee and help me build the biggest, most supportive and collaborative for female entrepreneurship. It starts with your $20 and it extends by becoming an ambassador when you share the campaign like we all depend on it. Thank you, for caring, for wanting more for yourselves and your fellow entrepreneurs. It’s community that drags us through really tough times, it’s education that helps us excel beyond what we ever thought possible, and it’s investors and advisors that gives us opportunities to innovate. And we’re lucky to have you all in this fast-growing platform. Changing the Face of Entrepreneurship, together. Lizelle van Vuuren @lizellevv