Wix Editor X
Build with modern CSS technology without coding
Ben Lang
Editor X — Advanced web design platform
Editor X is a revolutionary creation platform that combines advanced design and prototyping capabilities with secure web hosting and integrated business solutions. Creators can go from an idea straight to production in a highly intuitive design workspace.
Jishai Evers
I'm really excited to try this out - especially interested in being able to control break points and have ability to really control the designs for different devices - this is usually where this kind of products break down for me! Kudo's on the website design, looks absolutely amazing!
Gali Erez
Thanks @jishai! So happy you like the look of it. Please try it out and share your experiences with us 🙂
Ben Lang
Top Product
Congrats on the launch Editor X team! Really excited about what you all have been building, will share this with my designer friends 🙌🏻
Alex Bouaziz
Congrats! Looks great 🔥 I’ve used other no-code tools like Webflow. Is it similar?
Gali Erez
@bouazizalex Thanks 🙏 One of the stand out things about Editor X is its powerful combination of capabilities. It manages to deliver really advanced responsive web design along with super smooth drag & drop, secure hosting, built-in business solutions and custom code. It’s a full stack offering for professional creators. You should try it out. I’d love to know how you find it 🙂
Dwi Asharialdy Hambali
@bouazizalex longtime webflow user here, from what i see, Editor-X offers more end-user-friendly approach in designing a web page. it hides some of details that might confuse users who don't have any knowledge regarding CSS. for instance, look how Editor X simplify "Position" property of an element. Compared to Webflow with its pure CSS approach, i think Editor X with its docking mechanism, offer more easier and straight forward way to positioning an element But i think, for advance users who know how to use CSS, Editor X wont fit their needs to create a more advanced customization
Lior Grossman
Wow, looking awesome! Congrats on the launch!
Gali Erez
Thanks @liorgrossman! We'd love to see what you create with it 👍
Sean Lewin
Looks cool. Does this compare to using a WordPress to create a website? Are you guys banking on more speed or design, ease?
Gali Erez
@seanlewin Yes, it compares favorably in my view 😊 The workspace is super intuitive to use and you only need to touch the code if you want. The CSS is very approachable. We’re releasing tons of new design features every week based on user feedback — including collaboration tools for teams. One big plus is the all-in-one nature. You don’t need any add-ons or plugins. All business solutions and apps can be added on our side and maintained by us, so you don’t need to worry about versions or security updates. About performance, check out the sites for yourself. They’re fast and we’re constantly improving the performance. Try it out and please let me know how you find it!! :)
Scott Markovits
Looks pretty cool. I've used Wix for years to build out a number of sites. I've always thought there could be better tooling to improve/differentiate the design and functionality whether on desktop, mobile or tablet. If Webydo + Wix had a 👶. Wishing much success
Thank you @scottmarkovits! yes, Editor X is super useful when designing for multiple screens. Would love to get your feedback once you build your first website on Editor X!
Brandon Uttley
Just curious if there is a blogging feature built-in or can it be added?
Gali Erez
@brandonuttley Yes, you can add a blog to any Editor X site. Check out Shaping Design -https://www.editorx.com/shaping-... as an example — it's built on Editor X.
Brandon Uttley
@gali_erez Thanks, that is gorgeous! Is there any possibility to be able to migrate posts from WordPress to Editor X?
Alex Banaga
This is literally the only prototyping/design tool out their I'm using right now, amazing product!
debarshi sarkar
What's the pricing? I know you've already said that I can create website for free, but need to pay for custom domain. So, my question is what's the minimum and max price range that you have.
@debarshisarkar So yes you can create and publish unlimited Editor X projects for free. Premium Plans allow you to connect a custom domain name, enable online payments and more. Plans will start from $22/month.
Joshua Miller
Is this product related to Wix?
Hi @joshuajomiller! Editor X is part of the Wix.com company - but it’s a separate platform with advanced design and responsive capabilities, made specifically for designers and web professionals.
Snehaal Dhruv
While the editor looks great and is defintely faster then the usual Wix editor. But when we tried on early and build something on this it had the same speed as usual Wix websites which isnt that great. Congrats on public launch but not been a fan of the speed of Wix websites.
@smdhruve thanks for the comment! If you’d like you can share your website - I’d be happy to check it out.
Seth Samowitz
This looks sick! Can you integrate APIs like you can with Bubble?
Greg Wehmeyer
Can you export code from it?
Gali Erez
Hey @gregw, right now you can't export code but we do have a dev environment with a built in IDE. Let us know how you find the platform :)
AP Johnson
Looks very cool! What's the pricing like for this? I checked the website but couldn't find any info.
Hi @andrepaul! You can build and launch an unlimited number of projects on Editor X for free. If you want to connect a custom domain, enable online payments and get extra whistles and bells, there are a bunch of premium plans to choose from.
Patrizia Slongo
This is a really promising tool! Congrats!
Anna Filou
This looks a lot like Webflow + Drag & Drop. And I don't mean that as an insult. Webflow is great but a little hard to use. Some simple things are needlessly complex. Of course it's not easy to build such a powerful tool and make it easy to use, so I don't blame them. I really like the fact that Editor X supports drag & drop in addition to more precise positioning using a side bar just like Webflow. Just signed up and looking forward to using it and finding out if it really is as easy to use and powerful as it seems. 😊 The website is bit slow (at least on Firefox). That fact + some of the comments here regarding the speed of Wix sites in general gives me some doubts... A question that doesn't appear to get addressed: is it possible to export the code of the websites we've made? I guess it's not but it'd be nice to mention because it's possible when using Webflow. I personally dislike platform lock in and dread having to re-made a website from scratch if a decide to switch away from Editor X/Wix for whatever reason.
Gali Erez
Thanks for the comment, @anna_0x!Yes, the intuitive drag and drop workspace definitely strips away a lot of the complexity of designing CSS — and we've still left you with all the control you need for precise styling at each breakpoint. The ability to add custom breakpoints also gives you a lot of freedom. Right now you can't export code but there is a built-in IDE for adding your own custom code. As for performance, Editor X is built with advanced technology that enables super fast loading speeds. I’m sure you’ll love it. Please let us know how you find it 🙂
Anna Filou
@gali_erez thanks for letting me know! Are there plans to add support for exporting websites, akin to Webflow? That would be awesome. Until then, it will probably be fun to play around with Editor X, but I personally won't be using it for real-world projects.
I went over your entire Marketing & SEO solutions section. It's the first time I see a web design platform that understand the importance of SEO for the site owners. It's brilliant, will definitely check this out
Emily Kenned
Looks beautiful. I like the fact that the hosting going to be at the same place. I'm a bit tired of using Wordpress, too many security issues.
Gali Erez
@emily_kenned Thanks Emily! Having everything you need in one secure platform is definitely something we value. We hope you enjoy creating on Editor X :)
Elie Steinbock
Looks neat! Is it possible to add code or third party plugins?
Gali Erez
Thanks @eliezer_steinbock1! Yes, there’s a built-in IDE where you can add your own code. Just turn on dev mode. You can also connect to APIs, sync with databases and add 3rd party apps or integrations.
Ideias Frescas
Gali Erez
Hi @ideiasfresccas. Editor X is part of the Wix.com company - but it’s a separate platform with advanced design and responsive capabilities, made specifically for designers and web professionals.