Hi Product Hunt! CEO & Co-founder of Winnie here. Today we’re officially launching https://winnie.com/childcare, a comprehensive directory of every licensed daycare and preschool in San Francisco complete with descriptions, pricing, availability info, photos and reviews from parents. It’s especially helpful for finding home-based daycares that aren’t otherwise listed on the internet. Search by location, age, keywords like “montessori”, and more. You’ll want to check it out on desktop web to get all the features.
Winnie is all about making parents’ lives easier and finding high quality, reliable child care is one important piece of the picture. We are quickly working to bring winnie.com/childcare to parents all over the United States. No matter where you live, you can add a review to Winnie for your daycare or preschool to help build out the listings in your city.
Would love to hear what you think.
Hi, I'm Sara's cofounder & CPO of Winnie! I designed the product and worked on the data collection effort. If you have questions about how we built this or feedback on the UI I'd be happy to hear from you!
@annekate as someone who recently needed to search for childcare I totally understand and see the need for a consumer friendly 'catalog' of daycares.
Some cities (such as NYC) make it possible to search all licensed daycare facilities and display inspections associated with the daycare. They, unfortunately, don't give insight into openings which is usually the primary concern. I'm curious as to how Winnie is tackling that problem. Manually or are you incentivizing daycare owners to own their identity on Winnie?
@chrisa9 I think other people have tried to do this by recruiting providers to manage their pages, but honestly, teachers and caregivers are extremely busy people and we prefer to do as much of the work for them as possible. So we built automated systems to collect availability data proactively from providers and so far it's working very well.
@eriktorenberg Earlier this year we launched a big update to Winnie where we added the ability for parents to ask questions, share advice, and connect with other parents directly. In doing this, we're seeing some really insightful conversations emerge on Winnie. What is definitely not surprising is how many of these questions and conversations relate to child care. It's top of mind for many parents and seeing parents struggle with finding reliable, affordable child care made us even more passionate about building something to address it ASAP.
Winnie looks extremely helpful. In the early days, how are you going to improve the search results without having many reviews? E.g., searching for childcare in Mountain View gives me 25 results with not much else. Tough problem!
We recently expanded to Alameda County! Now you can search daycares and preschools in Berkeley, Oakland, Hayward, Fremont, Livermore, etc. in addition to San Francisco.
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