Steven Rueter

Windy - Play your 📱like a real musical instrument.

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Steven Rueter
This is Windy, and it's pretty simple. Blow into your iPhone or iPad's microphone, press the on-screen keys, and tilt side to side to play flat, natural, and sharp notes, and up and down to play across three successive octaves. Choose from three sounds, two color schemes, and 36 (and counting) simple interactive song tutorials. Windy is only available on iOS right now, but if there's enough interest, it'll be built for Android, too. I'm looking forward to any feedback, and the cool and creative ways in which people end up using it. No musical talent or experience necessary and appropriate for all ages. I have 10 remaining App Store promo codes for PHers, too! Thanks for your time and consideration. Happy Hunting!
Fred Davis
@rueter Android, please! Music sounds so good on my Nexus 6 with its stereo front-facing speakers. Despite great apps like yours, Apple is behind the curve on music and sound reproduction.
Steven Rueter
@freddavis Thanks, Fred! I'll be looking into it over the next couple of days. A new update will at least enable Bluetooth to wireless headphones and speakers, which will be pretty cool. I appreciate the support!
Amazing idea, but pretty hard to use. (Also no sound from app first two times launching) Would love to see it work to slide from note to note
Steven Rueter
@tylerh great feedback. Sliding from note to note is definitely doable, I actually really like that idea. The sound issue should be fixed in an update out today or tomorrow, was kind of bug built in by mistake to manage audio output. What did you find most difficult to use about it? Thanks for your feedback.
Steven Rueter
@tylerh just finished adding slide to the interface. Now you can seamlessly slide across keys. It'll be in the next available update. Thanks again for the feedback.
@rueter wow that's amazing (cc @rrhoover) can't wait.
Ryan Hoover
@tylerh @rueter thanks for the cc. I missed this earlier today.