Dillon Chen

Wilson - Wilson literally plans your weekend for you.


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Jason Hitchcock
Even though this is not a bot and states its powered by humans, this is EXACTLY how every bot and "AI powered" product should position itself: the fullfillment of the promise and NOT the technology behind it. Nobody cares what powers the products. They want the results. I'm excited to try this out.
Shubham Badal
@jasonhitchcock Very true. I've myself never been very impressed by any "bot" till date.
Jason Hitchcock
@shubhambadal to clarify: it's not the functionality I'm taking issue with. It's the product marketing.
Chris Toy
@jasonhitchcock thanks Jason!
Sergey Pirogov
hey there
Missy Titus
Dillon Chen
Yoo, so Iโ€™ve been using Wilson for the past few weeks and really enjoying it. Usually, I donโ€™t start thinking about planning stuff until the day of, and wading through Facebook events are too noisy. Wilson sends me ideas a few times a week. He told me about International Pancake Day and I went to IHOP. yummy :)
Josh Lee
@dillchen ditto this! been on the beta and surprised by the strength of the reccs. Was skeptical coming in, but very well curated and relevant
Dillon Chen
@lee94josh what's been your favorite event so far?
Kostya Rypta
hey, what is Wilson alghoritm? How it select for me events?
Chris Toy
@kostya_rypta Hey Kostya, the algorithm factors in human blood, sweat and tears and then turns it into event picks.
Olivier deLamarzelle
Hey Team, Is there any way to join the team or to suggest any event for future cities ?
Chris Toy
@tiekks Great question! email support@yourfriendwilson.com and we're definitely expanding. I'll add a link on the website now also, good idea :D
Kunal Bhatia
@christoy @tiekks @yourfriendwilson can't wait for Boston! Also would be great to switch your location if you're planning to travel to another city. E.g., I have to travel to SF and NYC and want to know what to do those weekends.
Chris Toy
@kunalslab @tiekks Great idea! That's definitely coming (along with some other controls for your preferences)
Joseph Estrada
I've been using Wilson for the last few weeks and it's helped me get out. Normally, I wouldn't go through the extra effort of finding an event which is where Wilson steps in. I love services that deliver value immediately, Wilson is one of those.
Chris Toy
@estrada_joseph thanks Joe thats awesome to hear!
Naomi Assaraf ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Yes! Welcome to the US! This idea was already developed by Trip4real in Barcelona for rediscovering Europe, and Airbnb just bought them last September. This is an excellent idea, and bound to be very profitable.
Brilliant work @christoy! There is one thing I'm curious about. How do you change postal code or age?
Chris Toy
@3raxton Thanks Braxton! Email us support@yourfriendwilson.com and we can get that sorted for you.
Andrey Lukin
Hey, on the front page of the website, at the boxes with the purple background to input contact info, the color that you type with is purple, and so its purple on purple. Couldnt see what I was typing, please look over and change. Will try out the product now!
Chris Toy
@andrey_lukin Oh man! Fixed!
Emmanuel Lemor
I realize this will not be a popular reaction... but Wow, this is kinda of really sad that it has come to this... instead of talking to friends, making plans, we now ask an app to think/figure things for us to do... :-/
Oktay Kilinc
@exlemor ummm, actually that's not true. Instead of talking to JUST friends and making plans. Now we can ALSO ask apps :) The friends are still there for asking.
Chris Toy
@exlemor actually with Wilson you get to SEE your friends faster instead of looking up things to do
Parker Woodward
Alfred Astort ll*lNY
How are you suppose users will find the app in the Apple Store? I get dozens of Wilsons but yours :-( I'm dumb, just realized is not an app... :-)
Francis Kim
๐Ÿ‘ Great job! Added to: https://www.producthunt.com/@fra...
Konrad Bujak
why did the product fail? Would you mind sharing some insights?