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Dan Kozikowski
Final Fantasy III (VI) — ranked as the number one RPG of all time by IGN
Ryan Hoover
Remember the time where you lose your party, waking up washuped up on the beach? I enthusiastically retold this story to my mom (@shreebobnish) when I was a kid. She amused me by listening. :)
Tyler Hayes
@rrhoover When you enter the World of Ruin! Then Celes tries to commit suicide. That was my first introduction to a mature storyline in videogaming. It changed how I perceived games forever. I was maybe... 8 years old when I first played? You have a good mom.
Tyler Hayes
Greatest game ever made. EDIT: One of the things that makes this game so charming all these years later is its original translation, which has a particularly uncanny level of personality to it, compared to most games at the time, thanks to the translator Ted Woolsey. Written about this a bit before:
Jason Crawford
Also one of the greatest soundtracks for a video game ever. The music was later recorded in piano and even orchestral versions, highly recommended
Will Lam
@jasoncrawford So. Good!
Tyler Hayes
@jasoncrawford Yes! Have you or @will_lam also seen a Distant Worlds concert (the touring Final Fantasy concert series, often conducted by Nobuo Uematsu himself) ? If usually includes a good array of FF VI songs.
Tyler Hayes
@jasoncrawford Also, there were in fact so many different versions Wikipedia has its own page for them all:
Jason Crawford
@thetylerhayes Haven't been to Distant Worlds but back in 2005 I went to Dear Friends in SF, got a VIP ticket and got to meet Uematsu and have him sign my poster. It was awesome
Will Lam
I am still in awe and how good this game is! They stuffed a FREAKIN' OPERA INTO THIS GAME!
Tyler Hayes
@will_lam Better than most real-life operas!