s cellier

White - Real-time interactive whiteboard


Draw, sketch, speak, teach, PPT, documents, collaborate, brainstorm, review design, meeting... All of these White integrated, with any device, all here in one place.

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Looks great! But some text has to be translated to english from chinese, as well as the demo, wich you can't acces without signing up.
@pregenun Good advice, we have completed the translation, the website address is https://usapp.herewhite.com/ ,Thank you John!
Jesse Wallace
I think it is interesting that this product has 60+ upvotes and: a) you can't actually access it unless you can read Chinese to register b) the downloads and app links don't work Are people just willy nilly smashing the upvote button?
@jesse_wallace Sorry, that is our mistake, we have completed the translation and support google login, the website address is https://usapp.herewhite.com/ ,Thank you Jesse Wallace!
Joshua Tabansi
Hopefully this beats out Invision freehand. Really looking for a wire framing tool on the iPad Pro that doesn't turn an obvious rectangle into a circle every time 😤😡🤬
s cellier
@tabansi we supported WebRTC already on iPad (that freehand have none). It's coming on Appstore next month.
@tabansi Our feature is to support audio and video and playback, but the product is still iterative, thank you for your comments. we have completed the translation and support google login, the website address is https://usapp.herewhite.com/ ,Thank you Joshua Tabansi!
Joshua Dance
Clicking 'Get Started' puts me on a page with a different language. Is there a way to set english?
@joshdance Ayush we have completed the translation and support google login, the website address is https://usapp.herewhite.com/ ,The North American data center we built with your encouragement. Thank you Joshua Dance!
Alejandro V. Betancourt
The product looks awesome, although the 'Get started' page is in chinese only, which makes it hard (impossible) to join. There may also be issues with the server, I've been trying to access the website every few hours until I was finally able to reach it now, still slow to load. I also have some concerns about privacy, the Privacy section of the page seems to be empy (doesn't respond when clicking on it). Looking forward to being able to download the demo and test it when these issues get solved :)
@albus_v_betancourt Thank you for your love of our products, we have builded a North American data center. The website address is https://usapp.herewhite.com/ . Thank you Joshua Dance! Thank you Albus_v_betancourt
s cellier
You can feedback here: https://spectrum.chat/white