
Tinybot - Easily create powerful Twitter bots, no code necessary

Go from idea to bot in minutes

Whether you want to build an audience, generate leads, or just have some fun, tinybot helps you create and manage multiple twitter bots easily

We’re going to be adding new bot types weekly

Pricing TBC - help us figure it out

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It all started when we were looking to use a twitter bot to help launch another product and were so surprised that there wasn't a simple lightweight tool out there - especially when so many people use bots. I'm not a very good engineer, but good enough to make our first prototype, and then @benoj and I teamed up turn it into a proper product. Together we started tinyproducts - our mission is to create simple tools for makers everywhere. We look forward to all your feedback :)
Insight Design
@benoj @kasmyou Any news about the different campaign types not yet published? e.g. "build your audience organically" ?
David Cava Piña
I used twitter bot to boost campaigns for artists releasing songs, and a lot of spotify views were achieved to relevant audiences thanks to Tinybot
@cava06 thanks David ❤️ - let us know if we can do anything to make it better
Josue Abreu
Product looks slick! Great job guys, out of curiosity what's the next type of bot?
@gotjosh thanks Josue :) Going to be the audience builder - you have any specific requests?
Maria McKavanagh
I made my first ever bot using this over the weekend and it was so EASY! Less than 5 minutes start to finish including all the Twitter config. Honestly can’t believe bot-as-a-service didn’t exist before! Thanks tinyproducts!
Juan Felipe Cucalon
Hi! I just followed the instructions but when I click Submit, nothing happens... I did something wrong?
Ben Flowers
@pipecucalon @chiefkiez Hi Juan, Austin sorry to hear that! Is this when you submit the Twitter credentials form or when you create the twitter bot? Please note that currently the bot is on a 1 hourly schedule so may take a while before it runs - we are looking to add more fine grained control very soon!
Bruce Brothers
Was able to submit bot but I receive a "Please apply for a Twitter developer account" message when I follow the "Where do I get these?" in the Tinybot credentials section (the next step) and click "Create an app" in Twitter as instructed to get those credentials. The full message is : "Please apply for a Twitter developer account. You may continue managing your existing apps but if you would like to create new apps or use Twitter premium APIs, please apply for a developer account. As a developer platform, our first responsibility is to our users: to provide a place that supports the health of conversation on Twitter. To continue to prevent misuse of our platform, we have introduced a few new requirements for developers." Any workaround outside of signing up to become a Twitter developer?
Ben Flowers
@brucebrothers thanks for singing up to tinybot - right now you need to have a developer account. We chose this method of running bots so that you would have much more fine grained control over your bots. The good news is that you can apply for a developer account for free using your existing twitter account for free - we will add more clear instructions on this soon!
Nikhil M
Why there is no authentication with Twitter? Just why?
Ben Flowers
@niksmac Thanks for the comment - we initially built this during a hackathon event and so we took a lean approach to building it. Twitter auth is definitely on our roadmap as well as reducing frictions setting up credentials. Were you able to set-up your bot correctly?
Nikhil M
@benoj No, I haven't tried as it asked for my email. You should really look at social auth esp twitter IMO.
Zach Katz
Hey @benoj My bot says its tweeted 98 times this week, but the tweets never actually sent out. Everything seems to be set up correctly. How can I troubleshoot this?
Ben Flowers
@zach_katz I zach could you email me your userid and I will investigate for you ben@tinyproducts.co
Tim Chosen
Amazing product really, hope it stays long enough, twitter is always "stopping" things built around it. Tried it and worked as i imagined. Pros: Does what it says it does Feature Request, Can one bot have multiple actions like, like, retweet and reply?
Earwig Hedwig
The linked website is down.