WhatsApp Bot: Voice-2-Text Transcription
Forward any voice message and get a transcribed text reply
Michael Choupak

WhatsApp Bot — Forward any voice message and get a transcribed text reply

Sometimes we don’t have time to listen or play back the voice note for whatever reason: in a meeting, no privacy, etc. Forward any voice message to this WhatsApp account +16506000350 and get a transcribed text reply. Free.
Michael Choupak
Sometimes we don’t have time to listen or play back the voice note for whatever reason: in a meeting, no privacy, etc. And sometimes, the voice message is simply too damn long and we want to read it instead. Whatever the case, Stork for WhatsApp Bot is always on a standby to transcribe. Forward any voice message to this WhatsApp account +16506000350 and get a transcribed text reply. Add +16506000350 to your address book as Stork Bot and use it within WhatsApp.
Rhymer Espinosa
@michael_choupak Great concept. Amazing idea. Congrats on the launch. <3
Farisa Ottaviano
@michael_choupak That's awesome! I can't believe how easy it is to use Stork Bot and get my voice messages transcribed in no time.
Rhymer Espinosa
@michael_choupak You're welcome. An avid fan here. I'll be on the lookout for more amazing things to happen with your product.
Awee Gee
@michael_choupak A toast to your launch! There is nothing you cannot overcome with your determination and perseverance. Best wishes and congratulations, my friend! Merry Christmas!!
Gladys Atienza
So convenient! @michael_choupak That's so handy to have when you don't have time to listen.
MJ Maquiling
Congrats on the launch @michael_choupak !
Rich Watson
congrats on your launch! !!
Anastasia Blinova
Very cool! Have a good time!