Taylor Robinette

WFH Care Package - Care packages to boost morale and alleviate stress.

Send your employees a Work From Home Care Package to boost morale and alleviate stress. Packages include a bag of premium coffee, a snack, a candy bar, a notebook, a pen, a logic game book, a gift card, and a personal note. Proceeds support local non-profits.

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Aaron Lee D'Souza
Hey @tayrob5 , this looks cool but I noticed your description says a portion of the profits will be donated to SF non-profits. It isn't specified what that portion is, and more importantly, why not donate all the profits instead? At a time like this, profiting from a pandemic does not seem like the right thing to do. As much as there's a good sentiment behind this, this looks and feels like a way to make a quick buck while the world is suffering through a pandemic.
Lauren Robinette
@tayrob5 Hi @aaroniclee, Thanks for reaching out and expressing your concern. We are constantly evaluating our finances to determine how we can donate most to our community. WFH Care Packages was started with the intent of finding a way to help employees struggling in the WFH environment as well as financially supporting non-profits actively trying to alleviate the impacts of COVID-19. At this time, we are trying to donate as much as possible while also funding our inventory, packaging, and shipping costs. I'm happy to answer any other questions, as we know WFH Care Package has positive intent to benefit the community.
Satish Gaire
Cool idea but the actual content in the package is not something that i would send my 73 employees. These Items make no sense: Candy bar = Stay Home & Get Fat Small snack = Stay Home & Get Fat Notebook and pen = Pointless in this age $10 gift card to a food delivery provider ( I would like to know which food delivery place is going to bring me food for under $10? Delivery Fee/ Service Fee/ Tip is almost $10. ) --- Maybe replace these items with something else OR.... Give them more $ on gift card & remove the junk items. or to just think of it, i will just add $50 extra on their pay & send a nice video email.
Taylor Robinette
@satishgaire Hi Satish! We've done custom packages for corporate clients. Several have decided to send higher dollar gift cards etc. Feel free to reach out if you would like us to put something together for your employees. There is something special about getting a package in the mail - especially at a time when most of the city is shut down!
@satishgaire - Notebooks and Pens work without power, wifi, and they're not barrier to ideation. We notice team members were too quick to try and solution things online or with digital tools. Moving prelim ideas back to pen and paper forced people to think through the process, allow them to capture tangential ideas, AND capture the big ideas/concepts vs. going right to building things that looked good but made no sense. This is especially helpful when you have small teams or are resource challenged.
Taylor Robinette
Based in the heart of San Francisco, we are a couple who have been working from home due to the implications of COVID-19 since early March. An increasing amount of cities around the country have ordered people to "stay home except for essential needs". Although working from home honors the flexibility that employees have earned through consistent hard work, many are facing difficulties adjusting to the drastic change of isolation and fear of the unknown. We have certainly felt this, and many of our colleagues across industries have echoed similar sentiments. We want to do something small to turn the negative, fearful dialogue around. Our solution is to send small care packages to our co-workers and team members, as a quick, easy way to share positive encouragement, while we are practicing social distancing. After receiving overwhelming amounts of validation and support, we have created this site to allow people across the country to send boxes to their WFH employees and co-workers, showing them that they care, too. We do not underestimate the impact that a small token of gratitude like a care package can make. We hope that WFH Care Packages will not only boost the morale of your team during these unprecedented times, but also reinforce that employees are more than the work they do; they are the spirits that power our companies and our world to reach new heights. A portion of the proceeds will go towards financially supporting San Francisco non-profits, such as food banks and elderly care, aimed to alleviate the impacts of COVID-19 in our community.
Mauricio Balvanera
Very cool! Have you decided which charities you will be supporting?
Taylor Robinette
@mauriciob we’re going to be donating to local charities in the cities where care packages are sent. In San Francisco, that is the SF-Marin Food Bank and The San Francisco Disaster and Emergency Response and Recovery Fund.
Anika Rani
Love this, truly wonderful, a little goes a long way. Curious if you’ve thought about how to get supplies as more and more businesses shut down?
Taylor Robinette
@neekseeka Hi Anika - thanks for the comment. Our current suppliers are considered "essential businesses" and do not see any issues with continuing to provide us with supplies to go into the care packages.
Anthony Grevious
Congrats on the launch, Taylor! Not what I typically see on Product Hunt, but it’s a refreshing idea 🎉
Michael Aaron Webber
Not sure how many individual managers will use this, but it seems like a no-brainer for companies. Curious, do you let companies customize what goes in the care package?
Taylor Robinette
@michaelaaron Yes! We have several orders that we are customizing for corporate clients.
Ian Bayley
I have to have all of my co-workers/employees addresses before I order the care packages? What if I do not know where to have the care packages sent?
Taylor Robinette
@ianbayley hi Ian! We have several options that you can find on our FAQs page. If you do not have the ability to get addresses, we have an option to send an email survey to each recipient and let them fill out their address information directly. Please let me know if you have any other questions and feel free to reach out directly if we can help you with placing an order!
Eric Jordan
Great idea.
Everett O'Keefe
You’ll have to update us and let us know how much interest you get! I could see it being huge or a complete flop.
Taylor Robinette
@everettokeefe thanks so much! We’ve most of our orders have been from small to medium sized companies so far. We will be sure to keep you updated.
Matt Simpson
Nice! Fun idea in these uncertain times.
Andrew Wise
Love this idea! ?makers
Steven Haas
It looks like this is just for the US? Any plans to expand internationally?
Taylor Robinette
@stevenhaas we do not have any plans to expand internationally at this time - we will let you know if anything changes though.
Dave Miz
This looks like a great idea. It’s not super easy to add addresses for multiple people though. Any plans to make this process easier?
Taylor Robinette
@davemiz Hi Dave - please checkout our FAQs page. We currently have 3 options to collect addresses. If you have lots of care packages to send, we can work directly with your company to solve this problem for your specific scenario.
Tom Godwin
I’m guessing you were just trying to roll something out quickly, but isn’t this just one of the basic shopify templates? Love the idea though.
Taylor Robinette
@tomgodwin Exactly right! Thanks for the support.
Temuulen Erdenekhuu
It's a cool idea, but seems a little overpriced for something an employee could put together within a day. If you had deals/discounts on certain products to offer more value for the box I think that would have been interesting, otherwise it seems like this is a problem that can be solved with a trip or two to Costco.