The simplest way to send your files around the world

WeTransfer.com — The simplest way to send your files


WeTransfer.com is a platform for sharing files. It uses drag and drop interface, so you can drag your files to upload them and after that to share them with whom you need to. If you need to go over 2GB, you have to get WeTransfer Plus and it unlocks even more cool features and security for your files!

Reony T
So is this a competitor to something like CloudApp or JumpShare? Or this is purely for just sending a file?
Hanna Welch
Great product! Thank you :) By the way you can share huge files online (as much as 1TB) by using new cool service https://filewhopper.com/
Ian Rumac
I love how simple and clean it is! Amazing job WeTransfer team (and now I noticed we're actually the same team 🙊 ) !
Sam Ayres
Why whenever I click the background it opens a new tab to the artist? I'd personally just make the link in the bottom right clickable instead, especially since there is no cursor feedback for what you are doing at the moment.
Denis Todirica
Nalden, Congrats for the redesign and launch of "We"! It's a product that I use at least 10 times a month. I was happy to hear your story with the early days of Wetransfer at the Eyes event in Amsterdam 2014.
@denistodirica Awesome! Thanks Denis! ✌️
Dennis Passway
Awesome how you guys redesigned it, without letting the users who use it every day directly notice it. Great product. Awesome brand. Lekker jongens!
ed wassermann
Is this supposed to be news?
@visavis_kid Yes it is Ed. We've completely re-built the service from scratch and we're really proud with the result. However, this is just day 1. From here we can add new features faster and go next level :)
@nalden you should have named this wetransfer 2.0 :). Its a nice update to the design. Yet as a product owner, I'm wondering already for some years when the real wetransfer 2.0 expanded services will be launched.
@thonis Haha I'm with you. Today we've cleared our debt in design and technology. This is day one, but I'm genuinely excited about what's coming next ;)
Dima Braven
Great product. I like it. Bright and useful. Love idea with art on background.
@dimablover Thanks Dima! The backgrounds are both ads (that we'll try to make look nice and editorial images that we curate.)
@nalden It would be great to see a side-by-side comparison with competitors (competitors?!) such as Droplr, Dropshare, Jumpshare, Minbox, &c.
Hamed Nemati
Great product, great design. I wish I could share uploaded files via link on mobile (ios app only allows share with email).
Ben Anderson
Good job on the new release! Working in the music industry, We Transfer is used multiple times every single day. I look forward to seeing all the new features roll out. I would actually love to run a collaborative idea past you guys. Who's the best person to contact?
Louis Rouffineau
Do you now allow the use of curl or wget to make wetransfer downloads easier using the command line?
@louisrouffineau Hi Louis, yeah, that's coming too! Early Feb I believe.
Maarten Wolzak
Great product. A bit strange that it's here on PH. Not really a new product. @nalden?
@maarten Not that strange Maarten - We've completely re-built the service from scratch and we're really proud with the result. However, this is just day 1. From here we can add new features faster and go next level :)
Maarten Wolzak
@nalden I stand corrected. Still, from a users' point of view there's not really a "new" product. The design is even fresher than before, there's now the added feature of sharing the link immediately instead of by mail but "new"? Anyways, always a breeze to use and, as I said before, a great product.
Cameron Rohani
How can something so simple, be so.... Beautiful. 😢
Jochem Wijnands
We love wetransfer, we use it all the time, we love the guys who built it!
Use this all the time. It's seamless.
Ho-ho-ho! Great job! It's clean and shine :)))
Oscar van der Vleuten
Hey Nalden, I really like the design, good job! Greetings from Amsterdam
Still the simplest. Love it. 🐥