Mathew Sisson

Werewolf - A party game for devious people

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Mathew Sisson
There have been several takes on the parlor game Werewolf, but I wanted to tackle it in a new way. Role-playing games can leave prospective players timid about playing and thus skewing their game experience. By creating a more modern style and good documentation of the game I believe I have removed that barrier and opened the game to everyone who thought, "It's just not my thing."
Jason Dainter
@mathewsisson massive fan of this game, but its a shame there is no app that goes along side this (like the well known one night ultimate werewolf version I've found the app (that acts as moderator and has spooky werewolf-like sound effects in the background) adds a really fun element to the game, swapping this out for a person means that that person can't play also which means if you are a small group it lessens the playability a bit.
Ross Rojek
Nice package. The hard part on games that can be played for free is finding value to sell. Just the thing to play on thanksgiving with the family.
Shlomo Fellig
Beautifully done. Would be nice to see a collection of these kinds of classic games, redesigned in this fashion.
Mathew Sisson
@ShloimeFlg Thanks! And I agree about the collection. That would be awesome!
Nick Persico
This is beyond awesome. Purchased!
Derek Skaletsky
boom! Beautiful job, Matthew. Love Werewolf. Not hard to play without the cards, but they make it more approachable for more people. This will show up in several stockings this year...
Aymeric Gaurat
What is the status with the rights to sell this game? Doesn't someone own the original game?
Fletcher Richman
Everyone should come to Boulder Startup Week and play this with us.
Nadia Eghbal
Best game ever!
Great points, @mathewsisson . The modern style definitely removes the negative preconceptions associated with card games, I'm excited to share this game with my friends!
Mike Knoop
Also known as Mafia: which is my favorite social group game. You can play with just a deck of cards too if you're short on supplies.
Tim Doyle
I've always wanted to try looks so much fun. I'm a big fan of Resistance, does your game get compared with this often? Where would you say you differentiate? I think I'll have to pull the trigger Werewolf.
Mathew Sisson
@timithmcdoyle Resistance is similar to Werewolf in a lot of ways (it's in my game collection as well). I think the biggest difference would be the voting and strategy behind revealing people's roles.