In January 2013, when I was wrestling with the question of whether or not I should start Need (, I visited WELD — a co-working community in Dallas — to tour the space.
I had expected the same treatment I received in so many other co-working spaces (i.e., people pressing me about our investors, valuations, the validity of the concept, and so on).
Instead, I was greeted with people who offered to help — on a very deep and ongoing level — with the fulfillment of my idea.
I founded and ran Need — including all shipments — out of WELD for over a year. And I was constantly surprised and amazed by the quality of the community and the overwhelming volume of amazing products and ideas coming out of the members.
Today, they've launched their digital membership. It allows you to participate in the community — meeting some of the finest creative minds in the country — without actually being in Dallas. (Or their new location in Nashville.)
Some people will wonder if Dallas has a great community for startups and creativity. I typically point to WELD as resoundingly supportive evidence of the quality and potential of the city.
We have our own space these days. Nonetheless, I stop by as much as I can. (I was there this morning, coincidentally, and was completely unaware of this launch.) It's the perfect community in which you can find support and rejuvenation.
In other words, it's worth your time.
Thanks for posting Matt! We're really excited to launch our new website, the Digital Membership and our (upcoming) second space in Nashville.
The WELDER WIRE (the crux of our Digital Membership) actually started as a Facebook group for our members to share jobs, knowledge, and gear. Using Facebook for this was easy, but wasn't a great solution. When brainstorming with Austin about it, I told him that I was keen to learn more about Meteor and thought Telescope ( might be the perfect base for creating something that was tailored to our needs.
We've got a lot of ideas for the Digital Memberships and can't wait to start getting feedback. If anybody has any questions, let us know, in this thread or at
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