Wayback machine downloader allows you to download the source code from archive.org ‘wayback machine’ snapshots to create PBNs, recover hacked websites, generate legal evidence, steal competitors content and more.
Wayback machine downloader is a simple cloud based tool that is all available to anyone without downloading or configuring any software or tools. Download/clone the entire archive.org wayback machine snapshot to your hard drive in seconds.
Download in just two simple steps
Step 1
Go to archive.org and copy the URL of the wayback machine snapshot you want to download
Step 2
Paste the URL into wayback machine downloader
Important features
All assets (HTML,css, javascript, images, etc) are converted into locally usable/accessible format instead of pointing to external domains.
Archive.org bar is removed from each page by default.
Links are converted to link internally instead of externally.
I’m personally very excited about the ability to create PBNs from expired domains. We’ll be adding the option to download the wayback machine snapshot as a WordPress theme for even easier PBN creation (subscribe for updates on the website if this interests you).
Here’s a quick 30 second explainer video:
Would love to hear your brutal and honest feedback and answer any questions that may arise here on PH or via onsite chat!
Regarding the video, I've never heard anyone pronounce the word archive as "arr-chive". It's always been "arr-kive". That was really distracting! Is arr-chive how everyone it Britain says it?
More feedback when downloading would be neat to see, now i don't know anything about what the program is doing as right now. A progressbar or just an embedded terminal window showing what's going on would give me a hint of the progress of the program :)
Would also be better if i just could enter my email on the website, ask your service to download the website i want to be made avaliable for local use and then get a notification when the service is done processing eveyrthing. I've had the download witndow open for 9+ hours and 'nothing' is happening, i have no indication as to how far your service has processed my request. Implementing the email thing could also give you leads that you could advertise to via mail (if the user signs up to receive the website in the mail there could be a tickbox asking 'want to get our newsletter?' too).
Nice trick for recreating old sites if you're making PBNs and want to keep them the same. Especially if you're fixing all of the internal links. I'll have to play with it some.
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