Eric Miller

Focus Book - A 13 week habit and priority tracking notebook


Focus Book combines habit tracking, a to-do list of your weekly priorities and brief reflection to help you get stuff done. Each pocket-sized notebook in a 2-pack covers 13 weeks and is printed in the U.S. on 100% recycled paper.

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Eric Miller
I created Focus Book to help you get things done in the face of distraction. The design comes from my own experience managing work and life while working from home the last 12 years, and running our design studio for almost 20. The notebook gives you a 3 part framework of habit tracking, a to-do list of priorities and brief reflection while staying flexible so you can adapt it to your workflow. While many of us use some form of to-do app, having those key items on paper, and on your desk, makes sure they won't be forgotten. See it here: I set out to design Focus Book with 3 goals in mind: 1. Make it useful, while many of us are facing new challenges at home. 2. Support other small businesses by printing locally in the U.S. 3. Make it (extremely) environmentally friendly. Focus Books are offset printed in the U.S.A. on 100% recycled paper with vegetable-based inks on machinery powered with renewable energy. I also made Focus Book now to help boost our sales for our family business (we're a husband-wife team) during this difficult time... but I hope you'll check it out and it will help you too.
Eric Miller
How do you keep track of your most important tasks?
Where is the web version?
Rishi Gaurav Bhatnagar
This is beautiful! Eric what's the core human insight that drove you to work on this?
Eric Miller
@rishigb Thank you Rishi! It was a few things... one, writing things down is an effective way to actually focus on them vs. just adding yet another task to an app (even if you use an app on top of the notebook). Second, having a limitation of space forces focus on what's most important. Third, a combination of the 3 components of Focus Book is a framework for productivity, and a flexible one. Habits create good routines, priorities are actually tasks that can be worked on once a routine is established, and a little reflection encourages improvement from week-to-week.
Eric Miller
@rishigb No worries Rishi, thanks!
Matthew Weinberg
Eric did a great job on these as a way to track habits in an easy, tangible way that matches a lot of mental models but also allows for flexibility on doing things how you'd like. His work is always beautiful and high quality.
Eric Miller
@mrw Thanks Matt, much appreciated!
Eric Miller
We created a new video to show you more about Focus Book for the launch today. I've been using a prototype of the notebook for a few months and it's really helping to create habits and remember those key things I normally jot down on paper. Happy to answer any questions!
Giorgio Galante
Great timing - received my Focus Books this weekend and I love the simplicity.
Eric Miller
@giorgio_g Thanks Giorgio, so glad you like it! I'd love to hear how they work for you over the first few weeks.
Jeffrey Wyman
love this.. might purchase for the wifey (she hates apps - my polar opposite)
Eric Miller
@jeffrey_wyman Thanks Jeffrey! That would be a good fit 🙂. Though I use Todoist to track all of my projects and tasks and find Focus Book is a great tool alongside it.
Eric Miller
@jeffrey_wyman Oooo... going to check out tomorrow when I'm working. Thanks!
Maria Tsyhanok
I think this product has a good designa and can help persons with planing
Julien Le Coupanec
Thank you! Just bought it.
Eric Miller
@lecoupa Thanks so much Julien! Let me know if you have any questions when you get it.
Alissa Bonisch
Very handy! Recently experienced burnout and this might help organize myself better.
Eric Miller
@alissabonisch Hi Alissa! I hope so :) I use it myself, of course, and really helps keep me focused... hence the name!
Tyler Hill
Dope layout. I love being able to look back and track progress.
Eric Miller
@hellotylerhill Thanks Tyler! We made it flexible enough that you can use the different UI-like elements to track progress in different ways.
Anna Filou
Lovely idea! I’ve found bullet journals to be a bit too much for my needs. I use apps to keep track of smaller day-to-day tasks and this little notebook seems like a good place to keep track of the bigger picture and reflect. Paying for shipping to the EU and customs would make it too expensive for what it is though. Not your fault, but it’s unfortunate.
Eric Miller
@anna_0x Thanks Anna! Yes, this was meant to fit in that sweet spot of “a notebook but not a journal”. Sorry to hear about the shipping. Always something we deal with and always researching solutions.
Neat idea. A little dense for me.