@love2golf what do you like about the WU watch app? I tried it out but ended up going with Dark Sky as my AW weather app due to the "rain starting soon" widget.
This is pretty impressive. I've realised that the older I get, the more obsessed I get with the weather. I've tried everything from Dark Sky to Yahoo Weather and right through to obscure (but really quite accurate) Norwegian weather apps to figure out what the weather's going to be like, when it's going to rain etc etc...
Weather Underground looks great. There's a lot of data to dig into if you're sufficiently geeky about the weather and conditions (this is an admission that I'm that guy). The Apple Watch integration is one of the nicer looking ones that I've found. I'm already sold - I paid to remove the ads within minutes of getting started. I reckon this will be something I end up using every day.
Been using it for a while. Impressive UI. Either iPhone app & watch app looks great 👌 following by a beautiful notification center widget. Plus, it's Highly Customizable. Definitely Recommeninend 🌦☔️
I live in a canyon east of Salt Lake City and WU is consistently the most accurate. It will be interesting to see what IBM does with weather analytics and industry forecasting.
No comparison to the excellent Dark Sky. I've been road testing a bunch of weather apps side by side. Dark Sky gives better and more detailed forecast for the forthcoming hour. WU annoys with ads but basic version is free.
Dark Sky https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
@tomflemming Dark Sky consistently ranks in the bottom-third for accuracy in my area of the country, that's why I stopped using them long ago. Check your area at forecstadvisor.com to see who's best at predictions.
Love weather underground! They've got a super simple API you can use too. I used their API to build this weather dashboard: https://app.initialstate.com/#/t...
When we analyze competition from product features or User Acquisition perspectives, Weather Underground is one of the apps on our list. Thanks for your contribution in making the Weather category so competitive and for raising the bar.
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