Matteo Gamba

Waze Local Ads - Advertise your local business to drivers using Waze 🚗

Create meaningful local advertising experiences within the context of a drive

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Product Pearson
I love that landing page so much.

If waze needs money, just make a premium offer that gives more features to the one who pays, you'll be rich enough in no time.

Hey Google, leave us alone for once


What the hell


As it's a GPS, it seems clear that:

- Ads won't have any impact for businesses

- It might distract the driver

- We don't want ads anyway

Nimrod Gavish
Well, Waze has been presenting ads to drivers for couple of years so I believe they measure it and have data improving it works though I've never clicked those ads (and I'm a Waze user for couple of years now since the beginning) I did clicked sponsored business ads appearing in search results (for example Gas stations) - I think this real estate is very effective because in this case the driver is not driving (hopefully..)
Edward Vasquez
announcements while you are driving? or did I understand wrong?
Amer Mallah
@edwardvasquezdr They have ads now that appear when you aren't moving (e.g. at a light they throw on "Hungry? There's a Taco Bell 4 minutes from here"). I assume this is the localized (as opposed to national) version of this?
Corey James Waldin
The mobile site needs a biiiiiiit of tweaking...
@corey_james_waldin Yea mobile not quite ready for prime time. Was there a press release for this? Or was this a sneak hunt? Maybe they weren't quite ready
Tai Parker

Dope to see Waze finding relevant ways to monetise i think this is a great update that could serve as a gateway to greater things.


waze starts making ad money

contextual ads based on journey

discover hidden gems

good for businesses


driver distraction potential

Nathan Gathright
Is this the launch of their self-serve advertising platform? They've been running agency-placed ads in the app forever. Anyone complaining about this ruining the product must not actually use it.
Dre Durr💡
New and platforms to test. Is my version of Christmas. What can I spend pennies on and make dollars?🤔
Matt Lippl
Really trying to capitalize on small businesses lack of understanding of the consumer I see.... Wack
Stan Brooks
Cool. I have actually click on an ad before in Waze. They only come up when you are stopped for a couple of minutes. Can't complain for a free service.
Ben Brausen
When we use a GPS, we're trying to get to a specific place. That may be a clothing store or a gas station. Showing an ad for a law firm is highly unlikely to result in the driver saying, "Forget the gas, I need to file bankruptcy!" Even if you're offering another gas station, people aren't brand loyal in most cases, at least enough so that they're going to go further than the closest station just to check out the advertised one. Seems unlikely these ads will be impactful. That won't stop many from trying them anyways. With CPM, most won't have a great measure of the return these ads provide. That should help Waze keep selling them as they keep advertisers in the dark.
Stuart Campbell
I'd conceptualized a similar AR feature for @rhizmarket for business search, but scrapped it for the same driver distraction concern. Love the creative potential for other scenarios (walking in metro areas), but not sure this is it.
Valeriy Drozdikov

Make paid options or paid accounts, but do not distract drivers


Good and fast product


Messages are very distracting from driving by car

Leave the driver out of attracting his eyeballs.. Should be good enough for passengers travelling in a local. Taxi or autorickshaw
Trevor Tinney

Now with their shared carpooling movement, this could be even bigger. Plus it's owned by google


Great for: Open houses Events Restaurants Businesses in need of local traffic Not much competition yet 100 million users


Cost per impression for specific tier Another distraction for drivers