Sam Shore

Wavium 2.0 - Your always up-to-date personal page


With Wavium, you can bring all of your content together and get a homepage that automatically updates whenever you create anywhere online. Turn page visitors into email and text message subscribers and engage them with blog posts, newsletters, and texts.

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Dave Poly
This is awesome. Great work guys! Maybe in the future a PH integration where you can show your “Upcoming” and “Made” projects?
Sam Shore
@davepoly Oooh I like that idea! :)
Dave Poly
@sam_shore With "build in public" being so big now, anything that helps maker show off their projects in real-time would be awesome.
Sam Shore
@davepoly Agreed!
Vladimír Seman
upvoted - i like the idea of embedding posts from other social networks and aggregating them under one personal brand. did you think of embedding also reddit account?
Hana Mohan
Congrats! The design is super rad! So great to see this space seeing some innovation. For too long we have relied on Twitter as our homepage :) PS: We launched today too -
Sam Shore
@hanamohan Thanks Hana! Congrats on the MagicBell launch. I'm sharing it with our team right now! :)
Bogdan Ionita
I might become a fan, this is the new business card :D
Sam Shore
@bogdan_ionita It really is!
Ken Savage
Congrats @sam_shore and team. Is this similar to something like Linktree or does your page update everything automatically?
Sam Shore
@kensavage Thanks Ken! Your page will automatically update whenever you create new content on any of your connected sources :)
Norman Musengimana
I have been using this platform for a while and I am loving it. I would encourage every one out there who is looking for better content publication platforms to try Wavium
Dylan Brookes
@norman_musengimana Glad you're lovin' it Norman!
Harry Lucas
🔥 Been using it for a few weeks now and can not recommend it enough! Well done ?makers!
Dylan Brookes
@harryblucas Thanks for stopping by Harry!
Kynan Tapia
This looks pretty neat, do you guys support custom domains?
Dylan Brookes
@kynant Custom domains are coming soon, but in the meantime you can embed your Wavium feed on any website.
Sam Shore
Hey Product Hunt! We're back with a totally new Wavium (still with all the stuff you love 😉)! Check out all that's new: ⏱ Get a personal page that automatically updates whenever you create new content, anywhere online. 📈 Turn visitors into email & text message subscribers. ✍️ Create blog posts and newsletters. 🔥 Embed your podcast, social media, videos, or writing into posts. 📣 Share posts to your homepage and over email + text message. 🌚 Dark mode editor + homepage theme. 🔗 Add custom links to your homepage. Hopefully you enjoy using Wavium as much as we did making it 😊 Feel free to reach out to us with any ideas or feedback! 💙
Rudy Arconte
Hey Sam, very smart and relevant personal page concept + subscription out there. Congrats on launching this! I will try it for sure soon, as I will recommend it to a friend looking for a simple website-like page.
Sam Shore
@westkast Thanks Rudy!
Jason DeMoe
This looks pretty cool. Nice work. Are you working on other social platform integrations like Facebook and Pinterest?
Sam Shore
@jason_demoe Yes, we will be adding lots more social media sources
Tushar Borole
Love it
Max Prilutskiy
Very nice! 👍
Cezary Dobrowolski
It looks awesome! Surly gonna get a deep look into that!
Pankaj Jain
Very cool but disappointing that you require a phone number to sign up.
Caelin Sutch
This is a super cool idea! Creating a single space for a ton of content is really innovative, much better than the millions of links I have rn to all my different platforms.