Kills creative block on contact. 5,184 possible writing prompts to help keep creative muscles strong and toned. 20% off for the Product Hunt community through July 31. Use promo code PRODUCTHUNT
@ryan_roberts1 Great question. In “Hey Whipple Squeeze This”, Luke Sullivan has an analogy about creativity being just like washing a pig. You really don’t know where to start, so you just kind of...start. And when you’re done, you’re not quite sure if the pig is actually clean or why you were washing it in the first place. LOL
@todd_turner cute idea. A good one for team retreats I'd imagine (when we can have them again). Have you seen any ridiculous/fun headlines from interesting combo's of cards?
@ejsnowdon Tons. Check out @washapig on Instagram. I post prompts and people write lines in the comments. Some highlights:
waffles to newlyweds: Finally, I don't have to use a condiment.
energy drink to gardeners: Dig Deeper
tropical resort like a warning sign: *WARMING!*
music streaming service to workaholics: Ctrl-Alt-Repeat
tv streaming service like a dating profile: Roses are red and violets are blue- I'd miss all my shows, if not for you
Love this! @todd_turner is there a "lite" version for digital teams who are all currently working remote!? Would love to use this as way to continue enhancing our team's creativity and copy.
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