Vlad Gerasimov

New Tab by Vlad Studio - Make your new tab page unique with widgets and backgrounds

* add widgets, such as shortcuts to your favorite sites, bookmarks and clocks;
* move widgets around and resize them;
* set background to one of Vlad.studio artworks;
* enjoy!

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Vlad Gerasimov
It was 3AM, and I could not sleep. Several days before that, I realized I have not seen my desktop background for months – despite working on my notebook every day. I spend most of my computer time in a full-screen browser, and I'm sure many of you do too. I want my pictures to be seen and used, and this thought made me slighlty uncomfortable. On Sunday, October 3, 2021, at 1AM, I had an Eureka moment! I thought – the browser is the new OS, and the New Tab page is the new desktop! It is the first thing we see on our way to Internet. By 3AM, the idea formed in my head completely, and today I published the extension for Chrome. — What does this extension do? — It replaces Chrome's default New Tab page. Here is what you can do with it: * add widgets, such as shortcuts to your favorite sites, bookmarks and clocks; * move widgets around and resize them; * set background to one of Vlad.studio artworks; * enjoy! — Is it free? — The extension itself is 100% free forever. You may want to sign up (also free!) and unlock up to 7 Vlad.studio backgrounds of your choosing. At any time, you can buy premium account for unlimited access to all backgrounds, present and future. — Is it safe? — As safe as I could possibly imagine. All your data remains in your browser's local storage. The extension receives your account data from Vlad.studio website, but does not send anything back. — What is Vlad.studio? — Vladstudio is the project of digital artist Vlad Gerasimov. Since 1998, I've created 500+ digital art pieces, and from time to time I release apps like this one. Please see vlad.studio website for more.