
Relocation Calculator - Cost of living calculator to plan your relocation


Wonder how to negotiate your salary to move in a city you never lived in?
Based on your current earnings, the relocation tool will calculate the cost-of-living of any city and how much you need to make to maintain your living standards wherever you move.

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Claudio Codispoti
Data about the cities is coming from...?
@claudiocodispoti it's from survey respondents , any research you'll do you'll have the exact # of people that responded to fabricate the data points displayed. Hope this is helpful! :)
Claudio Codispoti
@eva_perry I mean the origin of the datapoints, are yours based on what kind of databases? Do you collect your own? This is what I mean :)
@claudiocodispoti Yes exactly we do collect our own!
Claudio Codispoti
@eva_perry What's the difference with Numbeo then?
Hi everyone! Thanks for checking out our newest product! We are excited to launch on Product Hunt today 🚀 This relocation calculator is meant to scratch a huge mental itch people have when moving cities. How much do you need to make to mantain your living standards in your new city? With the relocation tool it becomes very simple to understand how much more 😫 (or less 😎) you'll need to live confortably in the new city you're planning to move to. Negotiating your salary on your next job will never be that easy! We take into consideration all the elements that constitute your spendings and can give you an approximation of the cost of rent, transportation, groceries, etc We hope you'll like this tool it as much as we do -- we are looking forward to getting your feedback
@eva_perry Thank you for sharing this. This is very useful if the data are accurate ;)
Love the concept, but missing the entire Midwest so not very useful right now.
@adamnielsen you are right -- we've recently added a big bunch of U.S cities to the tool so you should have most of it now! Let me know :)
Jared Lodwick
Love this! Bookmarked. It's missing Denver, CO though.
thanks so much @jaredlodwick ! I'm glad you like it -- the tool will hopefully help you negotiate your salary next time you're moving :)
@jaredlodwick working on it :)
@jaredlodwick you should find it now!
Super smart idea! Will share this.
Balazs Alexa
@kevin_kuipers thank you!
fred aka (Beasty)
Smart idea !
Very useful :)
Rob Kniaz
Very useful product. Thanks for making it!
Balazs Alexa
@robk Thanks Rob!
Balazs Alexa
Moving to a different city can be a lot of stress, it’s good to have tools such as this one to make logistics a little easier
Spencer Jamison
This is great-- awesome job!
Daniel Richardson
Awesome product, beats having to search Google for specifics. With the inclusion of many cities across the globe, do you intend on adding counties to get a more accurate reading of Cost of Living?
totally @daniel_richardson2 ! We will be releasing more cities in the upcoming weeks to make it as complete as possible!
Sacha Pavan
Again such a usefull app
Maxence Bouret
You could include taxes between different countries. For example for a single person, 60k€ gross in Germany = 50k€ gross in France = 35k€ net
merci @maxence_bouret tres bonne idee :)
Elaine Morgan
Cool product guys!
thanks @nameelaine !!
C Rof
Super great product! I have been living in various continents for almost 10 different company in the last 10 years. Providing a salary/package estimation is ALWAYS a f@#! conundrum. this tool is a lifehack I have been waiting for. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
thanks YOU @cecile_rofidal !!! We're going to continue updating the tool to make it as complete as possible. We now supporting more than 200 new U.S cities!
Nikolett Nikolett
This is awesome :) Great tool, nice job.
thanks a lot @nikolett_nikolett !
Cool stuff! Looking forward to seeing more supported cities :)
@webtoapp we've added a big bunch of U.S cities -- let us know if you see some cities we should have!
Charles-Eugène Loubao
Beautiful UI, This app would be really useful if there were more cities. For example Dover, Delaware USA is missing. I know OpenStreetMap as an API to query cities you could look into it
@charles_eugene_loubao thanks for your feedback! We've released the product with a few cities but we're planning to add more in the upcoming weeks.
@charles_eugene_loubao you can check it out, we've added a big bunch of US cities!!
Henry Wilson
What's with it not working under 30k? In whatever currency