Our mission is to break online shopping barriers.
Chris Messina
Wanna Nails — First AR nail polish try-on

Wanna Nails enables people to try-on nail polish in augmented reality. Our app helps to experiment with the selection of color or a combination of colors depending on the lighting, skin color and style. Computer vision algorithms provide realistic colors and shades.

Very cool. Such a simple concept that can change a whole market. Brilliant.
Alexander Nevedovsky
@n8brn Thanks so much. Indeed it will transform, stay tuned for our news!
This looks awesome!, but your website doesn't seem to work?
Alexander Nevedovsky
@nagra__ Thanks for support! Can you please check the name of the website? wanna.by is working properly right now.
Aliaksei Krasouski
Congrats, it can transform the market:)
Darya Sesitskaya
@a_krasouski thanks! Sure, AR will radically change interactions between the product and the users. Our team plans a series of AR Commerce products for different segments: beauty, fashion, jewelry!
Nick Julia
Looks awesome. Curious what's the tech stack/tools behind it?
Arseny Kravchenko
@nickajulia Thanks Nick! We combine classic computer vision approaches and modern deep CNNs. Models are trained locally using TF and PyTorch and run on devices using CoreML (for iOS) and TF Mobile (for Android).
Oded Junior Lavie
Looks great! Good luck! Do you plan on having an SDK so that brands can implement your solution into their existing apps?
Alexander Nevedovsky
@cosmic_rockstar Thanks! Sure, we plan on working with brands. If there's anybody interested in collaborating with us — feel free to shoot us an email at hi@wanna.by
Aliaksandra Lamachenka
Congratulations on launching a stunning product, guys!
Darya Sesitskaya
@alexstrvinsky thanks for the support and for sharing 🙏🏽
Well this certainly beats holding the bottle to my nails and trying to imagine if thw colour would suit me! Do you plan to partner with beauty brands at some point? Would be great to hear more about where you're taking Wanna Nails in future 💅🏼 @darya_sesitskaya @melnichek @arseny_info
Darya Sesitskaya
@melnichek @arseny_info @abadesi Abadesi, thank you so much for your kind words and your support! We believe AR will radically change interactions between the product and the user and will bring a deeper sense of connection with the brand. Large players in e-commerce and retail, such as Amazon, IKEA, L'Oreal, and Zara have already made trial projects in AR. This is just the beginning of a large AR-Commerce industry. Users would always be first for us, and for their convenience we are already working on collaborations with the most popular nail brands and manufacturers. Maybe you have someone in mind? We are always open for new connections. Anybody can shoot us an e-mail at hi@wanna.by for future collaboration!
Ken G Barton
I think this product is so interesting. Is it going to be licensed by nail-care brands, or do you think you'll sell it to cosmetics? So much potential.
Alexander Nevedovsky
@kengbarton Thanks! Currently we are focusing more towards long-term partnerships with brands.
Michael Rumiantsau
Great product! How do you plan to monetize this?
Darya Sesitskaya
@micrum Hi Michael, thank you for supporting our product and for a good question! WANNA NAILS works as an AR-showcase of goods from Amazon and AliExpress. The goods are conveniently grouped in collections by a shopping expert based on fashion trends, price, and quality. Now we are getting purchase comission and develop new monetization trajectories.
Vova Tereschenko
Congrats on the promising technology!
Alexander Nevedovsky
@vova_tereschenko Thanks a lot for support. Stay tuned for new products!
Sergey Gonchar
Congrats! Great product! I wonder how small could a library be that does it in a third party app?
Arseny Kravchenko
@sergey_gonchar I believe we can squeeze it to 1 mb.

I'm not a nail product user but I really see AR as a real innovation about the way we shop for products. Loreal and modiface are doing an awesome work with face cosmetic products, some good app are offering new ways to try/buy shoes, and now nails!


A real innovation in the way to shop for nail products



Mike G
I have no idea but I sent this to my cosmetologist wife and she was super excited about it. Any thoughts toward targeting the professional market? She saw immediate usefulness with helping her clients decide on a color but they would need to have some way to add in all of the brands they use, but good chance they would pay for that ability.
Alexander Nevedovsky
@mgaruccio Thanks so much for your constructive feedback, Mike! We are working on it
Mahmood Mustapha

This is one way to break into a saturated market, unique innovation and flawless cross marketing feature, giving customers the ability to share their desired colored nails even before they buy (on amazon) is absolutely cool. Best of luck


Creative and engaging



Darya Sesitskaya
Hi Mahmood, I can't deny I'm pleased to hear it! Thank you for your support! Happy to be building a product that offers engaging and fun user experience.
Joseph Nelson
@braddwyer Catch this one?
Yury Melnichek
Chris, thank you for hunting Wanna Nails! Hi Product Hunters, I’m Yury, founding investor and mentor of Wanna Nails, former investor and co-founder of Fabby and maps.me. We created an app that enables people to try-on and buy nail polish in augmented reality. It turned to be lots of fun working on transferring natural colors, textures and lighting. This, we hope, will contribute to building augmented reality that will look pretty close to real life. This app joins global digital beauty & AR commerce movement and we believe it will empower large companies and independent entrepreneurs to use AR-tools to communicate with consumers directly and get real-time feedback on new products. We’d appreciate your feedback!
Tamera Jones Davis
@melnichek can I get a email address for you and your full name? I think your company would match perfect with the company I am working with! Lightbulb moments here!!! Thank you, Tamera Tamerajonesdavis@gmail.com
Alexander Nevedovsky
@tamera_jones_davis Hi Tamera. Please write us at hi@wanna.by
Aleksej Gubarev

What is next? :)


Great start!


Need improve quality!

Arseny Kravchenko
Thanks Aleksej! We know there are several more improvements we need - e.g. results are not satisfactory when the illumination is poor. Also we'd like to transfer our prototypes on sophisticated textures from the basement lab to the main version of the app.

Shared the idea on IdeaSpies -www.IdeaSpies.com


Clever idea and fun



Alexander Nevedovsky
Wow, thanks. More fun to the masses!!
Philip Daineka
Great idea and implementation! As far as I know best Belarusian machine learning specialists are working on this product. So the technology behind is for sure innovative!
Alexander Nevedovsky
@okendoken Thanks! You're right to the point 👌
Stacy Skurnowicz
Congrats on launching such an amazing product! AR-Commerce definitely has a huge potential. Guys, do you plan any more AR apps like this?
Alexander Nevedovsky
@stacyskur Thanks so much for support and kind words! You came right to the point — we would produce more AR apps like Wanna Nails. AR-Commerce market is impressive, and it would be foolish not to fulfill the demand. Stay tuned for our news!