Aaron O'Leary

Walling for Windows - Visual walls for your ideas and projects. Now on Windows.

Working on a project, researching a topic or writing an article? Walling makes it easy to plot out your ideas, refine them and visually organize them. Walling is available for Windows, macOS and on the web.

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Thanks a lot @aaronoleary Hey everyone, Nothing beats launching your favorite app from the Dock/Taskbar! Walling is available on the web and macOS since we first launched and today we are coming to Windows! 😏 Any new features since the last November launch? Two new major features that were recently released in Walling are: - Tags system and the ability to quickly filter by those tags. - Export Walls to different formats including PDF and Markdown. - Many minor features and tons of improvements. Don't worry, we're never going to bloat the app, our goal is to make Walling available on all major platforms and continually improving its user experience. You can find our product roadmap here: https://walling.app/XvglutVDmXy2tfcm5ggr/walling-product-roadmap 🤔 What is the status of the phone app? If you checked Walling on your phone browser, you will find it pretty usable, we can wrap that into a phone app and launch it but that's not our goal. Our goal is to create a phone app for Walling that has its unique experience and with performance/speed as top priority, so please bear with us, the phone app is in the making. 🍾 Another launch, another discount coupon for Product-hunters! Please use the following coupon code 3E47EF41 for %25 discount on all plans including the lifetime access, the code is valid for the next 24 hrs only.
Aliaksei Kulbei
@aaronoleary @elmasryahmed like the product, checked out your web app! Here is a couple of thoughts on the onboarding: 1. It is a bit confusing that once im logged in and go to your web page - you redirect me directly into the app automatically. Like I just wanna check out your web page / pricing etc. and you redirect me somewhere else 2. When I click on `Quick Tour` kinda not expecting to be redirected to youTube. Modal window on the same page with video would be better. U could also name it 'Watch demo video' or something more clear 3. Love the examples <3 always great when someone can check out your product in easy way 4. Once you login - u land user on empty screen saying 'Please select or create a new wall'. And im a like "OK, but what is a wall" : ) - cmon - u can do much better than that. One quick idea: Preselect the wall for user - call it 'Demo wall' and pose one card with '3 steps to get started with Walling' - in that way you land user on board which is already kinda get going - plus u using your product to educate user what to do next plus u can track completion of this steps by your users in the future. You have this 'Welcome wall' but for some reason you are not preselecting this to new users, why? 5. It would be intereseting to see if your can turn your 'Examples' into 'Templates' - just market it a bit differently but get user a head start. Just an idea 6. The idea of 'Resolving' a section is a bit confusing for me - hm ... but mbe i need to use your product a bit more to understand 7. Are you aiming to teams using it or to the single users? I think collaboration use case is strong here - but if so - 'create team' is not promoted enough - like u could have 'Invite your colleague' as a part of the onboarding step for example / or simply share your wall with some one. Hope that helps and let me know your thoughts. Alex
@aliaksei_kulbei Thank you so much for taking time to write this detailed feedback! 1- I guess it's a preference, some apps do it this way, other apps land you on their landing page and then you have to click on "Dashboard" or something to access the app which is an extra step when you're already familiar with the app. 2- I totally agree. We're creating a 2 mins demo video that will replace the current link and will open in a popup window. 3- Thanks! 4- We definitely need to improve our on boarding. 5- Duplicating a Wall is already planned on our roadmap and that will be the first step in creating the Templates feature. 6- When you start working on a project on Walling, you will know why sometimes you need to resolve a section :) 7- Besides creating a team, you can invite users to a single Wall but again we definitely need to work on the app on-boarding. Thanks again Alex and please feel free to reach to me on twitter @ahmedelmasry if you have more comments, feedback or questions!
Aliaksei Kulbei
@ahmedelmasry all make sense! Just followe u on twitter. One quick question u may be able to help me with - doing some customer research - what do you guys use for your analytics? Thanks!
Juho S
This design language really fits my minimalistic & intuitive preferences, great job guys! - Pricing though, 50% of Netflix subscription fee (one I use hundreds of hours other not sure yet). I would prefer like a early backers offer "3 years for 1 dollar per month - support development" + See video ad from selected partner once a month, upgrade anytime + There are tons of products I would be interested to see yet don't discover so easily as I have all ads blocked + Inline partner promo video that doesn't collect data is not blocked by adblockers
@juhslk Hey Juho, Thanks for your feedback. If you use the 25% discount coupon code you can get a whole year subscription for the price of a few cup of coffees :)
Noah Raskin
I encourage people to try Walling! Been one of my favorite apps to use since the first time I opened it! A simple interface without distractions that allows you to do much more than you might think! I love the frequent updates improving the UI and feature set too! My fav partner to this is Walling's Chrome Extension as well. So damn useful and I seriously use it everyday haha. 3 quick requests. I think it would be nice to have an option to span a brick over two columns for people who write more text in their bricks. 2 would be the option to add a code block. 3rd would be the option for sub-sections. Although, these might be on the roadmap already. Congrats for launching the Windows version. Been an amazing experience so far!
@noahraskin_ Thank you so much Noah for your feedback! Most of your suggestions are already on the product roadmap indeed, stay tuned!
Simone Ramella
Very interesting service but too expensive imho. I was waiting/hoping for a Black Friday discount to subscribe for a Pro plan, but instead the price recently got up from 4 to 5 US dollars a month (if you pay one year in advance, otherwise it is 8 dollars a month). I wish there were cheaper subscription options.
Ashley H
This looks a lot like Notion.so seems interesting
Hoàng Anh Uy Vũ
199$ for this? I use onenote, I don't think this just startup can better than one note. =)) You will broken soon.