I saw this last night on Facebook and I must admit, I was "tired" and my first reaction was "wow, you can surf on your Magic Trackpad now, what a time to be alive." 😅
What a terrible idea. This guys at 40 will complain why he can't walk or run. His legs will hurt, and he will have joint pain every night when he is asleep because he is not walking enough. Start exercising and come up with ideas that will cure people. Solve real PAIN problems, don't create new problems to human society.
@bradenhamm@artemgassan ehhh, try the most recent version. I suspect it won't. But FWIW, 8mph bumpy SFMUNI rides does look a lot like jogging from a data perspective. :)
@bradenhamm@tymrtn I am active Strava user. I assume Turf.ly is mostly for running? I also don't get it why you rely on crappy Apple Watch when my Suunto Ambit3 can track more stuff?
One word - LAZY!
Seriously, this is cool but come on. This is just another gadget that we don't need. Just making us even more lazy than we already are, haha 😅
@mkaroumi is not actually about being lazy. This is just the beginning of the evolution of skateboards. I'm sure when they figure out the real capabilities of those hovers and boards, they are gonna be able to create a sportive version of it.
Looks cool. Wow it could push a person wheelchair? That is some muscle. Love how quickly it responds to person getting off of it. I saw it traveling at different speeds. The next obvious questions are- how long to charge & how much cost?
There's something suspicious about that demo video. There seems to be a little too much juice for its size and it's an overly smooth ride given the wheel size. This thing must run for 15 minutes, tops. Where are the specs? Until I see a third-party review, I would not be pre-ordering something like that.
I'm pretty doubtful of this having skateboarded (not longboard) and know what an unseen pebble/crack can do to such a small wheel. With no method of balancing/leaning back to get a little pop up over cracks etc. and no easy way to quickly pick this up or throw it down it would have to be pretty tedious to use in a real world not flat setting.
That said, the point of it being able to fit in a bag is a big improvement for these kind of transportation vehicles.
I think this is a great idea. It's not to replace walking completely, it's to aid in tasks where having that extra help could be extremely advantageous. I.e. in a large warehouse. However, I also question the power/battery. Would be keen to trial it out ;)
I think this could be useful as a little companion robot, like a worker drone on land. Put your groceries or boxes on it and just have it follow you home.
A little bit of intelligence and a camera could go a long way.
Is there a downloadable version that turns my MacBook Pro into one of these puppies? May the forceclick be with u! Those wheels look tiny. Hard to imagine how they handle on less then perfect roads?
Am I impressed? Yes. This is an epic feat of engineering, getting the steering and balance remotely good.
...do I want it? Ehh, not really. I want to borrow a friend's for 15-20 minutes and then go back to walking.
That little thing (fits in my bag!!) looks like it has serious power going uphill. I'm curious what the range is and how long it'll take to charge. Otherwise looks pretty awesome.
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