Andrew Wilkinson

Waking Up - Guided meditation with Sam Harris

Join Sam Harris—neuroscientist, philosopher, and bestselling author—on a course that will teach you to meditate, reason more effectively, and deepen your understanding of yourself and others.

The Waking Up Course is for anyone who wants to begin the practice of mindfulness meditation, as well as for those with an established practice.

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Sam Harris
Hi All— If I knew how painful it would be to build a meditation app, I might not have tried. It only took 1189 days! (That is literally true.) But it's here, and I'm happy with it. And I'll be building out the curriculum over the next year—which will be the fun part. Looking forward to discussing it with you from 1-2 pm PT.
Jijo Sunny
@samharrisofficial This is awesome Sam. I just received your Patron email for lifetime subscription access. As a super user of Calm and Headspace, so excited to give this a whirl
Sam Harris
@jijosunny Hope you enjoy it. And thanks for supporting the podcast!
Josh James
@samharrisofficial Any advice for hypochondriacs who find meditation difficult because focusing on our body is exactly what makes us nervous?
Yevgeny Simkin
@samharrisofficial I'm unclear on where this Live Q&A takes place on this page... am I overlooking some widget? (I'm sorry - I'm new to technology having only spent the last 20 years in the field, so all this is still quite new to me)
Mars Cheung
@samharrisofficial Hello Mr. Harris. Big fan and supporter of your work. I'm enormously excited to begin exploration of meditation under the guidance of your app. Having been a practitioner of martial arts, do you see any parallels between the meditative practices advocated and the 'moving meditation' espoused by some Japanese martial arts traditions? A Zen Priest and Aikido practitioner I once studied under stated something along the lines of one practice having influenced the other. Asian traditions, I think, would state this influence as a state of 'no-mind'. Could you comment on this?
Ryan Hoover
Interesting to see this launch and surprised more authors/podcasters with large followings don't expand their reach in this way. What's the backstory, @samharrisofficial? Curious how long it's been in the works and what you think about the competitive meditation app space today.
@samharrisofficial @rrhoover "competitive meditation" that's such a hilarious phrase! 😉
Sam Harris
@rrhoover I think I can guess why more don't do it—building an app is hard! I naively thought it was analogous to building a website. After a very protracted and expensive false start, I finally found a team that I could trust to do it. The current version was build by the great people at Metalab, and we've now put a full-time team in place to maintain and develop it.
Michael Jones
@samharrisofficial @rrhoover @sixside I predict Sam's offering will fare well in the cutthroat, competitive meditation app space.
Emily Hodgins
Hi @samharrisofficial thanks for joining us! In this busy world we live in, how do you recommend people find time for mindfulness? What are you top tips for getting into a positive routine?
Sam Harris
@ems_hodge You just have to prioritize it and do it. Apps make it easy, because you're only committing in increments of 10 minutes. Commit to 10 minutes a day for 30 days and see what happens. If you don't think you have 10 minutes to spare, you should probably do 20 minutes...😄
Daniel Ku
When will it be available for Android?
@danzwku hey Daniel! The Android version is just in its final rounds of beta testing and bug fixes now. We’re hoping to release it very soon.
Daniel Ku
@wakingupkarl will it be available to everyone on release or subscribers only? If the latter, when will it be open to everyone?
@danzwku the plan is to release the Android version to everyone. You can sign up to get notified about the release at
Carson Collins
Hi. @wakingupkarl @samharrisofficial Having a fantastic app experience so far, however, last night I was interested in listening to all of your lessons available consecutively and had to close out and re enter each one to do so. Are there any plans to allow auto-play functionality on the lessons?
Sam Harris
@wakingupkarl @carson_collins Yes. Or playlists. Please give any suggestions for new features you want through the contact form at And thanks!
Peter Bernstein
@samharrisofficial I'm really excited to try this because I haven't quite been able to lose the sense of self as you describe when I try meditation by myself. I like your analogy that it's like when you're watching TV or reading a book you lose the sense of self in that you're immersed in the thing you're paying attention to and don't notice the self. I was sincerely wondering though, what advantage does meditation have over something like reading or listening to music or watching TV if those allow you to lose the sense of self as well?
Sam Harris
@peter_bernstein There is a big difference between losing your sense of self inadvertently (when concentrating on work, or watching a film) and being able to recognize that there is no self in a moment of clear mindfulness. Only the latter is a reliable antidote to psychological suffering.
Brian Burns
I have been waiting for this app to get more serious about meditating. No more excuses!
Sam Harris
@bburns That's right. You can lie to yourself, but you can't lie to me...
Nicholas Truscello
Can't wait for the Android release! All the best Sam and Team Waking Up!
Sam Harris
@army_leg123 I promise that won't take another 3 years.
Jay Irwin
@army_leg123 @samharrisofficial will you make the Android beta available to your paid podcast supporters?
Mike Fiorillo
Excited to give this app a whirl @samharrisofficial. I'm a fan of your podcast, and also a regular user of @get_headspace and @choosemuse. I don't see the meditation app space as a winner take all market, so I absolutely think there's space for new apps with unique styles / approaches.
Sam Harris
@get_headspace @choosemuse @mikefiorillo Definitely not winner take all. There are very different approached to teaching meditation—and even very different approaches to teaching mindfulness. I think @get_headspace is great!
Donal Hanway
Beautiful design and good UX, but amazing content above all! Great job Sam!
Sam Harris
@donal_hanway Thanks, Donal. The content will keep evolving. I'll be building the course out over the next year.
Brockton Anderson
Hi @samharrisofficial, Do you find particular environments more beneficial to meditate in than others, or is the idea of finding somewhere comfortable counter-intuitive to the introspective nature of meditating; i.e., letting sounds and feelings both pleasant and not arise in consciousness "neutrally." Should we establish a consistency in our meditative environment, or is a diversity in atmosphere useful? Also wondering when the Android version will be released. Look forward to using the app. Thanks, Brockton
Sam Harris
@brockton_anderson For this type of meditation (mindfulness, open awareness), the goal is to realize some fundamental characteristics of consciousness (e.g. selflessness, the impermanence of all phenomena, etc.). And for that, all environments really are more or less equal—provided you can actually pay attention in a balanced way. You definitely don't need silence. But being chased by bear is probably not ideal either.
Brockton Anderson
@samharrisofficial You're telling me the bears weren't a part of it this whole time? Appreciate the response, Sam.
Cam Lindsay
Thanks for your efforts Sam. I’ve enjoyed the beta immensely, can’t wait to see what new content brings. On a side note, your thoughts about free will, and your books (particularly lying, the moral landscape, and waking up) have been profoundly life changing for me over the last few years. I know you take a lot of heat for some of your opinions, but please keep up the good work.
Sam Harris
@cam_lindsay1 So glad you have found my work useful. And many thanks for participating in the the app beta.
Andrew Sun
@samharrisofficial I loved your book Waking Up, which inspired me to take up mediation daily. What's your experience been like in teaching mediation? Have you given face to face lessons or have experience in leading retreats?
Sam Harris
@andrew_sun I lead a retreat at Esalen back in 2004, when my first book came out. And it's taken me this long to get back to the topic!
Dylan Moffitt
Thrilled to finally the opportunity to experience it! I was wondering how familiar Sam is with similar apps (headspace etc.) and how this app approaches the subject in comparison?
Sam Harris
@dylan_moffitt I'm familiar with several other apps, including headspace (which I like a lot). My app isn't a pure mindfulness app. I'm bringing more of a philosophical point of view to the practice—and my own view has been heavily influenced by the nondual approach of Dzogchen. So my guidance is a little more assertive in the sense that there are some fundamental insights about the nature of consciousness that I'm trying to get people to have.
Chris Marin
Your book Waking Up, as well as your guided meditations and discussions with Joseph, Dan, and Richie, have all had a profound impact on my life. Very excited this app finally hit production. My question is about the tangible benefits you've enjoyed since embodying a state of selflessness. What have been some of the most positive life experiences resulting from losing your sense of self? Similarly, were there any adverse life experience that arose from jettisoning this sense of self? We love that you are doing this Sam! There are thousands of us who believe this, for every one of us who state it outright -- thank you all the work you do thinking in public @samharrisofficial
Sam Harris
@_chrismarin Thanks, Chris! Very glad to hear it. Re: selflessness — Being able to recognize the illusoriness of the self on demand (rather than having the feeling of self fall away from time to time at moments of peak concentration, likely on intensive retreat) is a very important life skill. It has the power to cut through psychological suffering in a way that just "being mindful" of the suffering often doesn't. Of course, if you're lost in thought in the next moment, you'll be miserable again. But it really is possible to develop a type of (nondual) mindfulness that frees you in every moment that it arises.
Euegnio T
How will the app evolve? What other features will we see on it in the future?
Sam Harris
@eugeniot We have several ideas. My job will be to produce the audio content. But we're eager to continue developing it.
Dante Quilici
One of the goals of your app is to help improve "reason." Are you planning on incorporating this into the meditation side of the app or the lecture side? I'm not sure if this technique exists but a method of learning how to meditate/contemplate one concept or idea would be invaluable. I know there are visual techniques of meditation; but, I've never come across a technique that involves linguistic thought focused on reasoning. Any chance you could develop/incorporate this technique (assuming it exists)?
Sam Harris
@dante_quilici Yes, that will probably happen more on the lesson side. But some of the lessons will be very experiential, not merely conceptual.
Kenny Sabarese
@samharrisofficial Do you think it is possible to raise "enlightened" kids or, more accurately, to prevent children from forming a sense of self? Methods that come to mind on how to achieve this would be parenting techniques or medicines such as psychadellics. I know your wife teaches meditation to children around age 5 or 6, but their sense of self has already formed by then. Beyond that, do you think it is possible that humans could ever evolve to a point where a sense of self never develops at all?
Sam Harris
@fusioncompound Some (hippy psychologist whose name escapes me) once said that "you have to become someone before you can become no one." And I think that's right. In other words, don't give your kids acid!
Heads up Sam: All your responses are being tweeted (in case you didn't know)
Sam Harris
@arbitrarylabel Whoops... That's very Trumpian. Now I see the box that got checked.
Daniel Fernandes
Do you have any thoughts on EEG medtitation headbands, like Muse, or other neurofeedback devices?
Sam Harris
@dferb I experimented with neurofeedback about 15 years ago, but haven't tried it since. Not sure how much it's developed. I should check.