Robleh Jama

7 Minute Workout - Scientific 7 Minute Workout app for Apple Watch


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Ben Halpern
Robleh Jama
@bhalp1 Oh of course! Can't forget about the 7 minute abs :)
Robleh Jama
Really excited to bring Quick Fit, our 7 minute workout, quick ab and yoga app to Apple Watch. I was inspired to make it after I got too busy to exercise while working on a previous app. Since our launch last year, Quick Fit has been featured in an Apple Ad and has helped a million people to get off their butts (myself included). 💪 EDIT: Here's some promocodes (thanks for the suggestion @Bramk). Happy 🍎⌚️ day!
Ty Martin
This was the iPhone app that got me into the 7 min workout and got me off my butt after a really bad month or two in 2013. Congrats @robjama. My watch arrives today, so this will probably be the second app I install after our own (we are launching one for next week).
Robleh Jama
@tymrtn Thanks Ty and all the best on your Watch launch for 🚀!
Ross Simmonds
Apps like this are what is going to drive me to purchase an Apple Watch. This is awesome!
Robleh Jama
@thecoolestcool Thanks Ross! Fitness apps are definitely going to make the Apple Watch more interesting. That's why I picked up the Sport :)
Daniel Eckler
Nice touch with the upside-down tiny hearts logo in the trailer <3
Robleh Jama
@mijlodaniel Thanks Daniel. It's all about those tiny details :)
Tarun Sachdeva
@robjama Congrats on the launch! Can't wait to try it out. Excited to see all the fitness related innovation on the Apple watch.
Robleh Jama
@bombayhustle Thanks Tarun 👊
Ben Ho
@robjama My wife and I have been using your apps to do 7 minute workout & 4 minute Tabata workout for more than a year, couldn't live without it. Just wanna say you've done a really great job, I've tried others but yours just seem the best.
Robleh Jama
@benhomie Thanks Ben!
Alexander Davydov
I love workout apps: wouldn't have started exercising without Runtastic. Does this one use accelerometer to track number of iterations in an exercise?
Robleh Jama
@davydyoung Hey Alexander, no we don't use the accelerometer. The initial version of WatchKit is extremely limited. There's no access to any of the sensors on the Watch. Hoping Apple has some updates for us on this at WWDC.
Ouriel Ohayon
bought. funny i just bought this week all the 7m work out apps. and yours seem to be the "right one"
Robleh Jama
@ourielohayon Ha nice! Thanks Ouriel! That means a lot coming from you. I know you see a lot of apps via Appsfire.
Zain Abiddin
Love it!
Dean Kelly
Congratulations on this. I really enjoy the product. Interesting to see the number of fitness apps eg Zova that has trainers uploading content. In the end i think the best apps will come down to the quality of the fitness work out - meaning open source fitness apps might get squeezed out?
Nick LaTorre
You can definitely game-fy this one - would be fun to compete versus people in your native contacts
Will Lam