Eric Willis

4 Minute Workout - The world’s fastest full body workout in just 4 minutes

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Ben Halpern
7.. Minute.. Abs
Robleh Jama
@bhalp1 @will_lam Love this!
Johny Mair
@bhalp1 Hahaha. I was thinking exactly the same. Step into my office.
Ross Currie
@bhalp1 @johnyjames If I'm not happy with the first 4 minutes, will you send me a 5th minute for free?
Ben Halpern
@johnyjames @rossdcurrie Four's the key number here, think about it! Four seasons, four leaf clovers, four man, that's the number!
Ross Currie
@johnyjames @bhalp1 And, I mean, I know we're all joking about the 7 minute workout thing, but I am seriously wondering if you were inspired by @stuartkhall's 7 minute workout app
Will Lam
Until someone comes out with the 3 minute workout... 😜
Ross Currie
@will_lam WHAT? Nobody's going to invent the 3 minute workout! That's crazy! You can't get a proper workout in 3 minutes!
Will Lam
@rossdcurrie @robjama I feel there's a April fool's joke in here somewhere 😉
Robleh Jama
Thanks for hunting @erictwillis 👊 I made Quick 4 when I learned about tabata training while working on Quick Fit (our 7 min workout app) with the team at Tiny Hearts. I was a bit skeptical at first about a four minute workout but then I tried it...these workouts are pretty intense! You can try it here if you're up for a quick challenge:
Wrote a piece for Fast Company last week about how Quick Fit was featured in an Apple ad and what happened next.
Eric Willis
Quick 4 Minute Workout (aka The World’s Fastest Workout) is the perfect fitness app for busy people. It’s based on the popular Tabata Protocol, a regimen originally used by Japanese Olympic athletes.
Erik Torenberg
serious question. how is this better than the 7 minute workout. i've been doing it for three weeks and have been seeing major, major results.
Braden Hamm
@eriktorenberg I doubt it's more effective than the 7 minute workout, but if that extra 3 minutes of savings helps people get off the couch, then its worth it. I know some days even doing one set of jumping jacks feels like too much. I too have seen great results from these short workouts when I do them consistently.
Robleh Jama
@bradenhamm Good points! @eriktorenberg It's hard to say one is better than the other. They're both very popular forms of high intensity interval training routines. We have apps for both. They compliment each other well. I find the tabata workouts to be more intense esp. if you do multiple circuits. You might like this if you're into the 7 min workout -
Benjamin Young
@bradenhamm do you ever get bored on the 7 minute workout? So curious...
Will Lam
@bradenhamm @eriktorenberg @robjama in terms of results, I'm doubtful that it will amount to anything that contributes to long term athletic performance. however, for the purposes of getting off your ass because your day was so darn busy, then I think the 4 min workout or X minute workout is better than nothing.
Manuel Brun
First the '7 Minute Workout' and now there it is: '4 Minute Workout'. So I only have to wait less a year until there's a '1 Minute' Workout for the #lazy one :) 1. Nice Website! I love websites with "move" and movies 2. I downloaded the App and I'm going to try it tommorow in gym. I'm Excited 3. Good Luck!
Braden Hamm
My fitness goals might be different than others, but Tabata's have been the most effective form of staying in shape and keeping a "beach body". It's definitely best when you eat well too. Also, I've seen the best results from stretching the workout to 15 minutes and mixing in some small free weights, but if 4 or 7 minutes is all you have, it's better than nothing.
Benjamin Young
@bradenhamm the variable time you mentioned is exactly why we made Sworkit. 171 different exercises where you can do the 7 minute workout, this 4 minute workout and anything else in between with more diversity.
Braden Hamm
@obenyoung Sworkit is what I use because of the length customizability, and the greater variation in the types of exercise. You're preaching to the choir ;)
Ugur Kaner
Well designed app. Kudos. Though am really concerned, that these type of apps will get many people injured. Seriously. 1. They all promote short workout, which sounds great for many people who don't have the time. But, that also promotes to overlook warm up and cool downs, which are probably more important the exercise itself, for sustainable, long term health. For 4 minutes workout, I'd say one should warm up and cool down longer than the exercise itself. 2. I strongly believe, people should really 'ease in' into these type of HIIT exercises. Especially Tabata, which is performed "ultra intense" during the 20 seconds. Some people might have the genes or history to carry that intensity, but I'm afraid might cause serious damage to those who do not. Think of a newbie's heart rate going above 200BPM.. Disaster..
Jeremy Zykorie
Tabata is awesome. Any workout that doesn't really require any equipment is great, but tabata is really intense and works great. Unfortunately, I don't do it enough. Hopefully this helps!
Rich Pleeth
So much better than 7 minutes
Ross Rojek
Sorry to let everyone down, but you're wasting your time with 4 minutes when you could just get one good minute in 3 times a week.
Tiffany Zhong
Ah yes, even faster than 7 minutes! perfect
Donald Kepler
How many different workouts it includes? Will it shuffle them every time I run the app?
Даша Рощина
really cool app
Tony Mancini
Work it! Awesome