Akshay Sharda

Free WhatsApp Link Generator And Rotator - Create WhatsApp Click to Chat easily, or shorten your URL.


Innovative & Free WhatsApp Short Link Generator With Pre Written Messages As Well As Link Rotator ( Generate Link & Distribute Traffic To Various Sales Reps In WhatsApp ). You Can Also Get Your Own Custom Short Link While It's Not Reserved By Any One Else !

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Akshay Sharda
WhatsApp Link Generator - Quickly generate a personalised WhatsApp link with a predefined message #freebie This allows you to create pre-written Whatsapp messages and turn them into short links that you can share with your audience. When they click on this link, it will redirect to your Whatsapp number with the predefined message. There are many tools that do this for free, but WA.chat also allows you to track clicks and get analytics when you sign up for a #free account. There's also a link rotator feature if you want the message to be forwarded to different sales reps. You can also embed the same to your own website or create short links via APIs.