Jason C. Cleanthes

vvatch.tv - Sit back and watch an endless feed of youtube videos


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Marc Kremers
Hi everyone, vvatch.tv is a teaser for the forthcoming product, which we've been working on for the last 14 months. We're super excited by the attention our concept has already received on The Verge, The Next Web, Huffington Post, The Independent, and others. It's about time things were shaken up in the video delivery and curation space. We've been working on many interesting features that we've not seen out there yet, all which make watching and curating great videos fun, easy, collective and collaborative. This is just the start, we're super excited to be here! Happy to answer any questions. ๐Ÿ™ŒThank you.
Samuel Beek
@marckremers How does the curation part work? I can't really find information on that on the site!
Marc Kremers
Cheers @samuelbeek. That's coming when we launch the full product. We beta tested channel creation with a few users and that's actually how the YouTube Haiku channel came about: a tester thought to scrape all the links from https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube..., which creates a very surreal, addictive experience we think. Again, we have some really neat ideas for how to make curating your channel really painless, slick, and integrated. There will be details in that that could only have been discovered through 14 months of iterating and user testing. Can't wait to reveal these. One way to describe vvatch could be 'Tumblr for TV channels'. And it's specifically 'TV' (think live, immediate, synchronous), not 'video', otherwise it'd be nothing more than a glorified playlist.
Samuel Beek
@marckremers Interesting, very curious about the future of vvatch. I really like the continues stream part of it. It fits well with the idea (I think Douglas Coupeland wrote about that) that people like to see something new every 2,5 minutes.
Marc Kremers
@samuelbeek crazy that you mention Douglas Coupland, an essay of his from the book "Shopping in Jail" was an indirect but big inspiration for us!
Matt Way
@marckremers Hey Marc, I was wondering if you had heard of churn.tv? Thoughts?
Ryan Mac
@marckremers I've put some thought into this space as well. I would love to watch Product Hunt tv. Where a "PH channel" would play every video linked to in the hunted product links. Or a Twitter tv, where it would play videos linked by people I follow (also Facebook tv). Years ago I built an app that streamed all the videos from my Google Reader (RIP) feeds. That was my favorite. I wish I had that today accessible on Roku, Chromecast or AppleTV.
Marc Kremers
Hi @ryanmac! Exactly. Great idea. It touches upon some features we have for the upcoming first release, but that said we've taken it a few steps further. Thing is we can only explain why when it goes live, or we'll risk giving away too much :-) Cheers!
Ryan Mac
@marckremers looking forward to the release. I'd welcome beta access if you'd like more feedback. Another common request I got years back when I was contemplating problems associated with socially curated video streaming was cached content - for train commutes, airplanes, and the like. Also, remember CurrentTV? It might have been before its time. But today I believe the market is ripe for this type of television - short curated tv. I know many homes where dumb channels like HGTV are on constantly in the background. Why can't internet curated tv take that spot with much more relevant content? I don't watch regular tv, but I loved my RSS (via Google Reader) tv. It was smart, thoughtful, interesting, serendipitous and entertaining.
Marc Kremers
@ryanmac There will be public beta testing phase before launch, so reserve your account at vvatch.tv or drop me a mail: marc@futurecorp.london. We love the notion of making a more passive, effective internet experience. Background TV is like having some company around the house, right? Except real TV is often annoying to be around. VVatch.tv will be like having Douglas Coupland in the room ;-) Or for that matter, a subreddit party in the house!
Dave Branson Smith
Youtube is too expansive and people want to be given ideas for what to watch. We all discount TV networks but they did and still do provide entertainment for millions of users (back then they called them "viewers" ๐Ÿ˜‰) a day, and with 40+ years of experience under their belts, there's probably have a thing or two they can teach us in the moments when we're not democratizing everything. This is a great case in point. I've been using Digg TV (http://digg.com/tv) as my go to for the past 8 months or so, and I'll be looking forward to checking out vvatch as well.
Marc Kremers
@playswithfood Hi Dave, digg.tv is actually great, and is certainly occupying similar space. The issue they have is that they are locked into the Digg universe and although it's a big space, it's still limiting. We want video from all over the web, and from all sorts of people and media companies. Digg.tv is an extension, whereas vvatch.tv is a platform. The one other thing I'll say is that the vvatch.tv teaser doesn't show any of the 'tv' like things the launch product will do. We couldn't agree more that the basic UX premise of TV and broadcasting in general is still extremely relevant and compelling. Cheers!
Dave Branson Smith
@marckremers Great attitude and way to clarify your approach. There's room for many many players and it'll be interesting to watch you lead the charge and see how you create these new channels. I clicked through and got lost in the current haiku for close to an hour. The bitesized-ness is very important to keep people engaged.
Jake Mor
Love the attention to detail. I like how the favicon updates :) very nice work. I can see this blowing up, but you need a wider variety of channels! As a user, I want to be able to make my own channels so I can watch content that I'm interested in. Maybe let users enter a few #keywords?
Marc Kremers
Hi @jakemor thanks for your kind words man. Yep, we actually have 30 channels ready to go and that we personally love watching: everything from music culture to philosophy to how-to, science, space, disco, mashups, and more. We'll be previewing them on the teaser this upcoming week. But ultimately this will be a platform where both media and users can contribute to, it'll be a true platform.
Matt Way
@jakemor Have you tried churn.tv?
Jack Wild
Hey everyone, Jack here... I've been working with Marc for the last 14 months on the development of vvatch. Prototyping, researching, testing, conceptualising and building... Super happy at the response we've had so far, and happy to open up the discussion about the tech side of vvatch if anyone has questions, thoughts and suggestions. Looking forward to the first release!
Robert Lewis Pop
Why would I want to waste my time watching random videos?
Design Corner
hi @marckremers @isjackwild, I see that vvatch.tv is still live as Beta... When you launched 3 years ago, you mentioned that "vvatch.tv is a teaser for the forthcoming product". Did this went somewhere? - if yes, what's the pivot? - if no, what did you learn with the experiment? Do you think a similar service (curating & streaming content from 3rd parties) has future? .. thanks!