Kevin William David

Async Offsite-in-a-Box by Voodle - Your free toolkit to rethink offsites for distributed teams

Your friends at Voodle have flipped the script on what strategic offsites, creative brainstorming and team building can look like for distributed teams. Download this FREE toolkit to help kickstart your async offsite today.

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Rachel Lanham
Hi everyone! Thanks for checking out our free toolkit. Like everyone else, we became 100% remote last year. We quickly made the decision to become remote-first permanently as we built our short async video for teams application - Voodle! Along the way we have worked hard to continue to innovate, stay strategically aligned, and maintain our special culture. Instead of focusing on the way we used to do things - we focused on the outcomes we got out of things like strategic offsites, creative brainstorms, and team building events. Then we used our platform to reinvent how to get those same great outcomes, but in the context of our current reality. As we begin to open back up, it’s clear we aren’t going back to the old ways of doing things - the “new normal” is hybrid/flexible/distributed. Sure we will get back together for annual gatherings, but waiting for those events to connect is suboptimal. Having a regular cadence of connection is much better and our method allows for higher levels of inclusivity too! We decided to share what we learned with the world in hopes it will help you and your teams bring human connection back! Try it out and let us know what you think! We are also offering a free consultation to all Product Hunters (details on the landing page where you get your free download). Also please join our Clubhouse discussion ( on Rethinking the Offsite this afternoon, at 1:30pm PST -- come join us to talk about all things remote work! Thanks to @kevin for hunting us (and for trying Voodle out too!!)
Soma Somasegar
Short-form video is a great way to look at asynchronous communication capabilities particularly when the world is getting smaller in a remote work world. Interesting use case that Voodle can be used in.
Rachel Lanham
@soma_somasegar thanks! we really feel like this shift to more remote work is an opportunity to rethink the status quo. we miss offsites but maybe they weren't as awesome and inclusive as we remember. using async short video to engage the whole team (no matter their location, circumstance, personality type) has been a huge win for us and many of our users!
Maria Hess
Voodle looks like it has some interesting data visualization features, but how is it different from Loom?
Rachel Lanham
@maria_hess ! loom is great for video messaging (putting video into emails increases open rates, etc). voodle is built for teams to connect & collaborate. the two tools are complementary and all part of the wave of short video making its way into the enterprise.
Conor Garside
This is awesome stuff! We've been trying to figure out how to make an effective "offsite" for a fully remote startup team; we hadn't even thought of using voodle for that purpose.
Rachel Lanham
@conor_garside That's awesome. Would love to hear how it goes!!
Sarah Kaplan
I like that it can complement the "live" part of an off-site so that we aren't sitting in front of Zoom for hours on end.
Rachel Lanham
@sarah_kaplan Thanks so much! love that voodle might play a role in the academic setting. Zoom Fatigue is REAL!!
Forest Key
We faced a really hard week mid-pandemic last october and as we thought about ways to come together as a team to get some clarity and bonding, it seemed self-evident to us that we should dog-food our own product and use Voodle to voodle about Voodle Inc. The results were fantastic, and beet the pants off of just having another "zoom-clarifying meeting". Since then we have had several "Voodle-Offsites-on-Voodle" and each time i'm amazed at how much more inclusive it is to use async short-video, over sync-real-time discussions. Everyone on the team gets equal access to the mic, everyone is "scene and heard" in a way that feels much more "connecting" in terms of sharing thoughts and ideas and building social-capital.
Rachel Lanham
@forest_key Our inspiration!
Tamara Turner
Super innovative way to streamline offsite meetings, particularly in the era of remote work!
Rachel Lanham
@tamara_turner Yes! Time to build back better and make sure everyone is included no matter where they are and when they can engage.
Daryl Thayil
Such a great tool for making meaningful connections with your team. People discount how important culture is and how to foster it on distributed teams.
Rachel Lanham
@daryl_thayil Thanks Daryl!! Human connection is back in business!
Aaron Rhodes
The best part of this type of remote offsite for me is the inclusivity part! Everyone’s voice is heard! When we've used it here at Voodle, the participation has garnered heartfelt insights from everyone. Even the quiet talkers, or shy members of our team, felt like their voices were equalized just as much as everyone else's. The second place win for Voodle Offsite-in-a-box for me is the asynchronous part, allowing for our distributed team to contribute across time zones! Can wait for others to experience the magic.
Rachel Lanham
@aaron_rhodes1 Yay! Thanks for your hard work on this product!!
Darren Murph
This plus Yac Meet from @huntermoonshot @jmitch @jordanlwalkerrr on ProductHunt on the same day? Too cool.
Rachel Lanham
@huntermoonshot @jmitch @jordanlwalkerrr @darrenmurph Thanks Murph!! Would love to hear what you think of the toolkit. You know my DREAM is for GitLab to try Voodle out in a small pilot... maybe this is it???? Congrats on Yac Meet to the Yac team as well. VERY cool. Together we will make distributed teams more connected.
I love the idea and the simplicity of its operation. Brainstorms should be structured and led with a goal. I can see that this service will help me manage the flow of input and I really like the transcription and video capture. I could see using this quite a bit.
Rachel Lanham
@mike_reeder Awesome!! Our best ideas usually come when we ARE NOT stuck in a room together... async short video apps like Voodle make it easy to start a Stream and have people post their ideas as they have them. Thanks for checking our toolkit out. Can't wait to hear what you think.
Mike Fridgen
Going to use Voodle for upcoming product sprints and try for future remote creative sessions and "offsites"
Rachel Lanham
@mfridgen Yay! Let us know how it goes.
Tim Porter
Voodle has become one of my vital communication tools. I like it for any authentic communication, where body language and voice intonation matters, but it does not have to be real-time. In fact, it thankfully fills an important role of eliminating the need for another freaking Zoom, which are often unnecessary, hard to schedule, time-consuming and exhausting. Importantly, it's fast, super easy to use, and works from any of my devices. I love to use it to give or receive feedback, for instance on presentations or on new job candidates. Highly recommend you check it out!
Rachel Lanham
@tmporter Thanks Tim!! Plus one to "eliminating the need for another freaking Zoom!!"
Jim Huffman
Love this! This is a nice addition to my remote team tech stack. Might use it for my daily stand ups.
Rachel Lanham
@jimwhuffman great idea! feedback welcome on the toolkit & the product. thanks for the support!
Denny Swanson
Easy to use.
Rachel Lanham
@denny_swanson Thanks Denny! Feedback welcome!!
Travis King
The intimacy and power of video... but without getting "zoomed out." Love it.
Rachel Lanham
@travis_king2 Thanks! It's super hard to be creative, strategic, and authentic on a zoom call! Enter the async offsite!